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Over one million (1,000,000) children are reported missing or kidnapped each year in the United States alone according to some statistics. Stepping in to assist in this enormous problem has been the fraternity of Freemasons with their CHIP - Child Identification - Programs. It's a unique concept: Masons - at no cost or obligation to the families involved - will provide a CD with film footage of the child, fingerprints, teeth impressions, and - in some cases - a DNA swab to the parents or guardian of a child so as to aid in their identification should some tragedy (abduction, accident, or whatever) befall the child. Many grand jurisdictions throughout the world are now implementing such
programs in the hopes that the location of a missing child might be more readily
found. There are several US states and Canadian provinces which participate and several have their own websites to announce upcoming program dates and locations. The Massachusetts ChIP Program is one such example. The cost of such programs are - clearly - high, both in terms of materials and personnel donated time. Having people available to perform the technical tasks (obtaining good fingerprints on a two year old isn't the easiest job in the world {grin}) as well as simple logistics (setting up tables, directing parents to the next 'station', keeping children from becoming bored with the wait which sometimes occurs) is extensive and exhaustive yet Freemasons give freely of both time and money for this wonderful charity. If your child (or grandchild) hasn't taken part in such a program, contact the Grand Lodge in your state/province to see if they offer one. (A list can be found on our site here.) Seeing the effectiveness of such a program, the Lions clubs in some states are also offering such services and we commend them for their efforts to help keep children safe. It's an example of a great idea that can really help! Important note: Some anti-Masons have eschewed these child identification programs with dark allusions about 'Big Brother' and microchip implanting fantasies. They hint about sinister motivations involving this extraordinary program and that the Freemasons are part of some over-arching conspiracy to identify children.... In fact, NOT A SINGLE PIECE of information collected about the children is kept by the Masons. Not a name, not a tooth imprint, NOTHING!!! All materials - video tapes, etc. - are given to the parent (or grandparent) who brings the child to the event. Freemasonry sees a way to help in the continuing battle against child abduction and is taking a leading role - but a handful of detractors continue to hint that there is some ulterior motive involved. In my jurisdiction, for example, computers are used to provide a DVD of the child answering innocuous questions ("Do you have any pets?" "What do you like best in school?") so as to assist law enforcement in seeing the mannerisms and speech of a missing child thus giving them a better tool for their search efforts and also a much more personal involvement with the victim. However, these computers were specially bought so that immediately following the creation of the DVD, ALL information about the child is erased. You cannot enter a new child's information unless the old information has been erased. In the unlikely event of a computer crash, the information is also erased. Even further, if the computer has been idle for more than 10 minutes, it will erase all of the information - in each case using Department of Defense encryption standards. The absurdity of those saying that the Masons are storing information is beyond the pale and completely false. We invite them to provide PROOF of their ludicrous and insulting claims! In September, 2012, we got a hilarious laugh at the claim that the CHiP program was collecting DNA. Here's the ominous, rambling and disjointed story:
They don't get reported on because they're grossly inadequate. The Masonic CHIP program has been going for a decade now so this breathless expose is even more laughable. Claiming that the computer information is kept is laughable: 99% of the people doing CHIP programs can barely turn on a computer let alone exploit it after military-grade erasure (required after EACH child and before the next one begins) occurs. The computers are NEVER connected to any outside access (no wi-fi or anything) and they don't even have modems in them! They can't 'phone home' with data even if there was any - which there isn't. Ask me: I know. The most frustrating and time-delaying thing in the entire CHIP event is waiting for the computer to purge its data after each child. Does the DNA swab help? Perhaps only marginally - but would anyone want to take that chance, particularly when dealing with a child's life? Updated September 29, 2012
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