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“.... because the best treatment is Prevention”
The mission of NMFC is to establish the Masonic Model Student Assistance Program (MMSAP) in schools, which will result in helping youth lead productive, useful, and healthy lives. NMFC seeks to establish MMSAP in all 50 states, and Canada. Prevention stops use and abuse before it starts. It interrupts the addictive cycle which may have gone on for generations in a family. Another important plus – prevention programs can be implemented for a fraction of the cost of treatment, enforcement or even publicity programs. Currently, MMSAP is being sponsored by Grand Lodges in 21 states. NMFC builds on Freemasonry’s centuries-old tradition of helping the most vulnerable in our society, including the young. Today, more than ever, children need help in becoming responsible adults as they face countless challenges: broken homes, patterns of substance abuse in families, and a complex world with many traditional nurturing institutions shaken. Freemasons fully recognize that our children are our future. We cannot neglect the needs of today’s children if we expect them to grow up to be happy, healthy, productive stewards of our future.
To learn more about the National Masonic Foundation for Children and the invaluable work they do, please look them up at The above information provided courtesy of the National Masonic Foundation for Children, June 29, 2006.
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