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Lodges often look for charitable things they can do locally. The members of Universal Lodge, AF&AM in Orleans, Massachusetts not only began a charity but they also have carefully documented the means by which it was established so that others may follow - and this charity will likely grow and grow as a result.
The Masonic Angel Fund™ was established in 1998 and provides modest assistance to children in need who do not fit the criteria for the usual social-service programs. Such assistance might be to provide a pair of glasses, a coat, shoes, field trip fees or minor health services. Applications for assistance will be fulfilled via confidential requests from local elementary school principals and school nurses. A cornerstone of the Masonic Angel Fund™ program is the close relationship that develops between the local school system and the sponsoring Lodge. Because MAF standards require all screening of requests to be performed by the school's professional staff, the Masons are cast in a purely supportive role rather than in one that requires them to screen and qualify every application. This means that those who operate the local Fund can respond very quickly once they are contacted by the school. This quick response contrasts strongly with many "institutional" relief services where days or weeks can elapse between the time of a request and an answer being received. The ability to serve the school professionals in a rapid, efficient manner underscores the image of Masons as the "can do" people in the community. Not only is the Masonic Angel Fund™ an excellent program for the community - it is also a positive force to create enthusiasm amongst the Craft by providing opportunities to do generous things for children. The Angel Fund is a successful vehicle for presenting Freemasonry to the community as a socially relevant, beneficial body of normal, everyday people and for helping to dispel our aura of mystery which sometimes surrounds the organization. The Masonic Angel Foundation, Inc. was founded by members of Universal Lodge on July 1, 2000. Its mission is to facilitate the adoption of Masonic Angel Funds™ by other Masonic Lodges around the nation. In addition to propagating local Angel Funds, the Foundation offers grant funding opportunities to schools served by a Masonic Angel Fund™ and the Lodges that adopt an Angel Fund. If you are a Mason or have friends who are Masons and have would like to learn more about the Masonic Angel Fund™, please contact the Foundation office at 508-255-8812 or send an email message to or download their information package. To make a donation to the Masonic Angel Fund™ click here or send your contribution to the Masonic Angel Foundation, Inc, Box 1389, Orleans, MA 02653. Checks should be made payable to the Masonic Angel Foundation.
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