For more information, see:

Related Topics:

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Note: This page is constantly being updated. If you know
of changes, do advise us. Because the majority of Freemasonry in the world is
currently in the United States, their listing appears first. Also, there is no
"Masonic High Council" which controls worldwide Freemasonry.
ANY organization, by whatever name, claiming to hold such power, is nothing more than an internet scam.
NOTE: If you are a Mason, it is considered Masonically improper to communicate
with other jurisdictions except via your own Lodge Secretary
who will forward your communication to your Grand
Lodge Secretary. This stipulation applies unless you are
already on the soil of the country involved. Please take due notice and govern
yourself accordingly! This page last updated on
29 November 2014.
The Americas
Asia Canada Europe
Middle East Oceana United Kingdom
Countries not listed here yet might
also be searched on the
United Grand Lodge of England's website
United States A-D
United States
F-K United States L-M United States N-R
United States S-W
United States
A-D |
State |
"Mainstream" |
Prince Hall |
AL |
Alabama |
Grand Lodge F&AM of Alabama
2005 Cobbs Ford Road, Suite 200
Prattville, AL 36066
(334) 365-5644
www.alafreemasonry.org |
Not recognized by Mainstream
Prince Hall Grand Lodge F&AM of
1630 4th Avenue North,
Birmingham, AL 35203
www.mwphglal.org |
AK |
Alaska |
Grand Lodge of Free & Accepted
Masons of Alaska
PO Box 190668
Anchorage AK 99519
(907) 561-1477
www.alaska-mason.org |
MWPHGL of Alaska & its’ Jurisdiction, Inc.
1200 East 9th Avenue, Suite #101
Anchorage, AK 99501-3912
(907) 646-2210
www.mwphglalaska.com |
AZ |
Arizona |
Grand Lodge of Arizona, F&AM
2723 W. Northern Ave.
Phoenix, AZ 85051-6624
(602) 252-1924
www.azmasons.org |
Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Arizona &
2032 Galle Gampana De Plata, Tucson, AZ 85075
(Mail to PO Box 1361, Sierra Vista, AZ 85636)
(520) 515-9802
www.azmwphgl.com |
AR |
Arkansas |
Grand Lodge of Arkansas, F&AM
700 Scott St., Little Rock, AR 72201-4693
(501) 374-6408
Not recognized by Mainstream
Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Arkansas
Masonic Temple, 4th & State Street
Pine Bluff, AR 71601
(870) 534-5467
www.arkphagrandlodge.com |
CA |
California |
Grand Lodge of California, F&AM
1111 California St.
San Francisco, CA 94108-2284
(415) 776-7000
www.freemason.org |
Prince Hall Grand Lodge of
9027 S. Figueroa Street
Los Angeles, CA 90003
(323) 242-2393
www.mwphglch.org |
CO |
Colorado |
Grand Lodge of Colorado, AF&AM
1130 Panorama
Colorado Springs, CO 80904-1798
(719) 471-9587
www.coloradofreemasons.org |
Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Colorado
and Jurisdictions
1244 Euclid Avenue
Pueblo, CO 81004
www.mwphglco.com |
CT |
Connecticut |
Grand Lodge of Connecticut, AF&AM
26 Masonic Avenue, Wallingford 06492
PO Box 250, Wallingford, CT 06492-0250
(203) 679-5903
www.ctfreemasons.net |
Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Connecticut,
Inc., F&AM
66 Montville Street
Hartford, CT 06120
(203) 329-9957
www.mwphglct.org |
DE |
Delaware |
Grand Lodge of Delaware, AF&AM
818 Market St., Wilmington, DE 19801
(302) 652-4614
www.masonsindelaware.org |
Prince Hall Grand Lodge
F&AM of Delaware
623 S. Heald Street
Wilmington, DE 19801
(302) 652-9283
www.mwphglde.org |
DC |
District of Columbia |
Grand Lodge of Free & Accepted
(FAAM) of the District of Columbia
5428 MacArthur Blvd. NW
Washington, DC 20016-2541
(202) 686-1811
www.dcgrandlodge.org |
Hall Grand Lodge, F&AM,
PHA, Jurisdiction of the District of Columbia Inc.
1000 U Street, N.W.
Washington, DC 20001
(202) 462-8878 & 8877
www.mwphgldc.com |
F-K |
State |
"Mainstream" |
Prince Hall |
FL |
Florida |
Grnd Lodge of Florida, F&AM
220 Ocean St., Jacksonville, FL 32202
(Mail to: PO Box 1020,
Jacksonville, FL 32201)
(904) 354-2339
www.glflamason.org |
Not recognized by Mainstream counterpart
Union Grand Lodge Most Ancient and Honorable Fraternity Free and
Accepted Masons PHA Florida & Belize, Central America Jurisdiction Inc.
410 Broad Street
Jacksonville, FL 32202
(904) 354-2368
www.mwuglflorida.org |
GA |
Georgia |
Grand Lodge of Georgia, F&AM
811 Mulberry
Macon, GA 31201
(478) 742-1475
www.glofga.org |
Not recognized by Mainstream counterpart
Prince Hall Grand Lodge F&AM
Jurisdiction of Georgia
330 Auburn Ave NE
Atlanta, GA 30335
(404) 521-1358
www.mwphglga.org/ |
HI |
Hawaii |
Grand Lodge of Hawaii, F&AM
Honolulu Masonic Temple
1270 Queen Emma St. Suite 612
Honolulu, Hawaii 96813
(808) 531-9050
www.hawaiifreemason.org |
Prince Hall Grand Lodge F&AM of Hawaii
and Its Jurisdiction, Inc.
P.O. Box 89-3553
Mililani, HI 96789
www.mwphglofhawaii.org |
ID |
Idaho |
Grand Lodge of Idaho, AF&AM
219 North 17th Street, Boise, ID 83702-5187
(208) 343-4562
(Yes, that's the web address!) |
Prince Hall
lodges in Idaho are chartered by
the Prince Hall Grand
Lodges of Oregon and Nevada |
IL |
Illinois |
Grand Lodge of Illinois, AF&AM
2866 Via Verde, Springfield, IL 62703
(217) 529-8900
www.ilmason.org |
Prince Hall Grand Lodge F & A.M. State Of
Illinois and Jurisdiction
809 E. 42nd Place
Chicago, IL 60653
(773) 373-2725
www.mwphglil.com |
IN |
Indiana |
Grand Lodge of Indiana, F&AM
525 N. Illinois St., Indianapolis,
IN 46204
(Mail to: P.O. Box 44210, Indianapolis, IN 46244)
(317) 634-7904
www.indianamasons.org |
Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge
F&AM, Masons
Jurisdiction of Indiana
5605 E. 38th St
Indianapolis, IN 46218
(317) 546-8062
www.phglin.org |
IA |
Iowa |
Grand Lodge of Iowa, AF&AM
813 1st Ave. S.E., Cedar Rapids, IA
(Mail to: PO Box 279,
Cedar Rapids, IA
(319) 365-1438
www.gl-iowa.org |
Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Iowa and
Jurisdiction, Inc.
2420 Prospect Rd.
Des Moines, Iowa 50310 |
KS |
Kansas |
Grand Lodge of Kansas, AF&AM
320 S.W. 8th Avenue
Topeka, KS 66601
(913) 234-5518
www.kansasmason.org |
Prince Hall Grand Lodge F. & A. M. of
Kansas and its Jurisdiction
PO Box 300463
Kansas City, MO 64130-0463
(913) 621-4300 |
KY |
Kentucky |
Grand Lodge of Kentucky, F&AM
300 Masonic Home Drive
Masonic Home, KY 40041
(502) 893-0192
www.grandlodgeofkentucky.org |
Prince Hall Grand Lodge F&AM of
Kentucky, Inc.
1304 S. 28th Street
Louisville, KY 40211
(502) 776-5560 |
L-M |
State |
"Mainstream" |
Prince Hall |
LA |
Louisiana |
Grand Lodge of Louisiana, F&AM
5800 Masonic Drive
Alexandria, LA 71301
(Mail to: P.O. Box 12357,
Alexandria, LA 71315)
(318) 443-5610
www.la-mason.com/gl.htm |
Not recognized by Mainstream counterpart
Prince Hall Grand Lodge F&AM for the
State of Louisiana and Jurisdiction
1335 N. Blvd, Suite 301
Baton Rouge, LA
(Mail to: PO Box 2974,
Baton Rouge LA 70821)
(504) 387-0996 |
ME |
Maine |
Grand Lodge of Maine, AF&AM
1007 Main Road, Holden, ME 04429
(Mail to: PO Box 430, Holden, ME 04429-0430)
(207) 843-1086
www.mainemason.org |
There is one Prince Hall Lodge in Maine (Bangor)
Maine Prince Hall Masons are under the MWPHGL of Massachusetts |
MD |
Maryland |
Grand Lodge of Maryland, AF&AM
304 International Circle
Cockeysville, MD 21030
(410) 527-0600
www.mdmasons.org |
Prince Hall Grand Lodge F.&A.M. State
of Maryland and Jurisdiction
1307 Eutaw Place
Baltimore, MD 21217
(410) 669-4966
www.mwphglmd.org |
MA |
Massachusetts |
Grand Lodge of Massachusetts, AF&AM
186 Tremont Street
Boston, MA 02111
(617) 426-6040
www.massfreemasonry.org |
Prince Hall Grand Lodge F&AM
Jurisdiction of Massachusetts
24 Washington Street
Dorchester, MA 02121
(617) 445-1145
www.princehall.org |
MI |
Michigan |
Grand Lodge of Michigan, F&AM
233 E. Fulton
Grand Rapids, MI 49503
(616) 459-2451
www.gl-mi.org |
Prince Hall Grand Lodge Free and
Accepted Masons Jurisdiction of Michigan
3100 Gratiot Ave
Detroit, MI 48207
(313) 579-3333
www.miphgl.org |
MN |
Minnesota |
Grand Lodge of Minnesota, AF&AM
200 East Plato Boulevard
St. Paul,
MN 55107
(612) 222-6051
www.mn-masons.org |
Prince Hall Grand
Lodge of Minnesota and Jurisdiction
Sabathani Community Center
310 East 38th Street - Suite 224
Minneapolis, MN 55409-1337
MS |
Mississippi |
Grand Lodge of Mississippi, F&AM
2400 23rd Ave., Meridian, MS 39305
(Mail to: PO Box 1030, Meridian, MS 39302)
(601) 482-2914
Not recognized by Mainstream counterpart
Most Worshipful Stringer Grand Lodge
F&AM (Prince Hall Affiliations) Jurisdiction of Mississippi
1072 John R. Lynch Street
Jackson, MS 39202
(601) 354-1403
www.mwstringergl.org |
MO |
Missouri |
Grand Lodge of Missouri, AF&AM
6033 Masonic Drive, Suite B
Columbia, MO 65202
(573) 474-8561
www.momason.org |
Prince Hall Grand Lodge F.&A.M. of
Missouri and Jurisdiction
4525 Olive Street
St. Louis, MO 63108
(314) 361-3044
www.phaglmo.org |
MT |
Montana |
Grand Lodge of Montana, AF&AM
425 N. Park, Helena, MT 59624
(Mail to: PO Box 1158,
Helena, MT 59624)
(406) 442-7774
www.grandlodgemontana.org |
Prince Hall Lodges in Montana are chartered by
the Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Oregon |
N-R |
State |
"Mainstream" |
Prince Hall |
NE |
Nebraska |
Grand Lodge of Nebraska, AF&AM
1240 North 10th Street
Lincoln, NE 68508
(402) 476-4640
Prince Hall Grand Lodge F&AM of
Nebraska and Its Jurisdiction
2418 Ames Avenue
Omaha, NE 68111
(402) 451-5177
www.mwphglne.org |
NV |
Nevada |
Grand Lodge of Nevada, F&AM
40 W. 1st St., Rm. 317
Reno, NV 89501-1424
(775) 786-5261
www.nvmasons.org |
Prince Hall Grand Lodge, F&AM, of
Nevada, Inc.
2700 Colton Street
North Las Vegas, NV
(Mail to: PO Box 44227,
Las Vegas, NV 89030)
(702) 647-2095
www.phanv.org |
NH |
New Hampshire |
Grand Lodge of New Hampshire, F&AM
813 Beech Street
Manchester, NH 03104
(603) 668-8744
www.nhgrandlodge.org |
New Hampshire Prince Hall Lodges are chartered
by the Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Massachusetts |
NJ |
New Jersey |
Grand Lodge of New Jersey, F&AM
1114 Oxmead Road
Burlington, NJ 08016-4200
(609) 239-3950
www.njfreemasonry.org |
Prince Hall Grand Lodge F&AM State of
New Jersey
180-192 Irvine Turner Blvd
Newark, NJ 07108
(973) 824-6457
www.mwphglnj.org |
NM |
New Mexico |
Grand Lodge of New Mexico, AF&AM
1638 University N.E., (PO Box 25004)
Albuquerque, NM 87125
(505) 243-4931
www.nmmasons.org |
Prince Hall Grand Lodge F&AM of the
State of New Mexico, Inc.
525 San Pedro Drive NE
Albuquerque, NM 87108
(Mail to: PO Box 5674,
Albuquerque, NM 87185)
(505) 268-5823
www.mwphglnm.org |
NY |
New York |
Grand Lodge of New York, F&AM
71 W. 23rd St., New York, NY 10010
(212) 741-4500
www.nymasons.org |
M.W. Prince Hall Grand Lodge of the Most Ancient and Honorable
Fraternity of Free and Accepted Masons of the State of New York
454 W. 155th Street, New York,
NY 10032
(212) 281-2211
www.mwphglny.org |
NC |
North Carolina |
Grand Lodge of North Carolina, AF&AM
2921 Glenwood Ave., Raleigh, NC
(mail to: PO Box 6506, Raleigh, NC 27628
(919) 787-2021
M.W. Prince Hall Grand Lodge
of Free and Accepted Masons of North Carolina and Jurisdictions, Inc.
315 E. Main Street (Mail to:
PO Box 1507)
Durham, NC 27702-1507
(919) 683-3147
www.mwphglnc.com |
ND |
North Dakota |
Grand Lodge of North Dakota, AF&AM
201 14th Ave. N., Fargo, ND 58102
(701) 235-8321
www.ndmasons.com |
Prince Hall Grand Lodges in North Dakota are
chartered by the Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Minnesota |
OH |
Ohio |
Grand Lodge of Ohio, F&AM
634 High St., Worthington
(Mail to: PO Box 629, Worthington, OH 43085)
(614) 885-5318
www.freemason.com |
M.W. Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Ohio
50 Hamilton Park
Columbus, OH 43203
(614) 221-6197
www.phaohio.org |
OK |
Oklahoma |
Grand Lodge of Oklahoma, AF&AM
102 S. Broad (PO Box 1019)
Guthrie, OK 73044
(405) 282-3212
www.gloklahoma.com |
M.W. Prince Hall Grand Lodge F&AM
Jurisdiction of Oklahoma
1304 W. Broadway (Mail to: PO Box 2348)
Muskogee, OK 74402
(918) 683-3123
www.geocities.com/okj_mwphgl/ |
OR |
Oregon |
Grand Lodge of Oregon, AF&AM
3435 Pacific Ave. (PO Box 96)
Forest Grove, OR 97116
(503) 357-3158
www.masonic-oregon.com |
M.W. Prince Hall Grand Lodge F&AM of
Oregon, Inc.
115-118 NE Russell St
Portland, OR 97212
(503) 218-2225 |
PA |
Pennsylvania |
Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania, F&AM
One North Broad St.
Philadelphia, PA 19107
(215) 988-1900
www.pagrandlodge.org |
M.W. Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania F&AM
4301 N. Broad Street
Philadelphia, PA 19140
(215) 457-6110
www.princehall-pa.org |
PR |
Puerto Rico |
Gran Logia Soberana de L.L.,y AA,
de Puerto Rico
1707 Ponce de Leon Ave.
PO Box 8385, Santurce, PR 00910 |
RI |
Rhode Island |
Grand Lodge of Rhode Island, F&AM
222 Taunton Ave.
East Providence, RI 02194
(401) 435-4650
www.rimasons.org |
M.W. Prince Hall Grand Lodge F&AM of
the State of Rhode Island
883 Eddy St
Providence, RI 02905-4705
(401) 461-2600
www.princehallri.org |
S-W |
State |
"Mainstream" |
Prince Hall |
SC |
South Carolina |
Grand Lodge of South Carolina, AFM
1445 Pisgah Church Rd
Lexington, SC 29072
(803) 799-4377
www.scgrandlodgeafm.org |
Not recognized by Mainstream counterpart
M.W. Prince Hall Grand Lodge of F&AM of the State of South
2324 Gervais Street
Columbia, SC 29204
(803) 254-7210
www.mwphglsc.org/ |
SD |
South Dakota |
Grand Lodge of South Dakota, AF&AM
415 S. Main, Sioux Falls, SD 57102
(mail to: PO Box 468, Sioux Falls 57101)
(605) 332-2051
www.mygrandlodge.org |
The Prince Hall Grand Lodge in South Dakota is
chartered by the Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Kansas |
TN |
Tennessee |
Grand Lodge of Tennessee, F&AM
100 7th Ave. N., Nashville, TN 37203
(mail to: PO Box 24216, Nashville, TN 37202
(615) 255-2625
www.grandlodge-tn.org |
Not recognized by Mainstream counterpart
M.W. Prince Hall Grand Lodge F&AM of
253 South Parkway
Memphis, TN 38109
(901) 774-7230 |
TX |
Texas |
Grand Lodge of Texas, AF&AM
715 Columbus, Waco, TX 76701
(mail to: PO Box 446, Waco, TX 76703)
(254) 753-7395
www.grandlodgeoftexas.org |
Recognized but no intervisitation with Mainstream counterpart
Prince Hall Grand Lodge of
3433 Martin Luther King Freeway
(Mail to: PO Box 1478)
Fort Worth, TX 76101-1478
www.mwphglotx.org |
UT |
Utah |
Grand Lodge of Utah, F&AM
650 East South Temple Street
Salt Lake City, UT 84102
(801) 363-2936
www.utahgrandlodge.org |
Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Colorado
and Jurisdictions
1244 Euclid Ave., Pueblo, CO 81004
www.mwphglco.com |
VT |
Vermont |
Grand Lodge of Vermont, F&AM
49 East Road - Berlin
Barre, VT 05641
(802) 223-1883
www.vtfreemasons.org |
There are no Prince Hall Lodges in Vermont |
VA |
Virginia |
Grand Lodge of Virginia, AF&AM
4115 Nine Mile Road
Richmond, VA 23223
(804) 222-3110
MW Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Virginia
906 N. Thompson Street
Richmond, VA 23221
(804) 359-1111
www.mwphgl-va.org |
WA |
Washington |
Grand Lodge of the State of
Washington, F&AM
47 St. Helens Avenue
Tacoma WA 98402
(206) 272-3263
www.freemason-wa.org |
M.W. Prince Hall Grand Lodge F&AM
Washington and Jurisdiction
306 24th Ave S.
P. O. Box 3284
Seattle, WA 98144
(206) 323-8835
www.mwphglwa.org/ |
WV |
West Virginia |
Grand Lodge of West Virginia, AF&AM
107 Hale St., Rm. 435, Charleston, WV 25301
(mail to: PO Box 2346, Charleston, WV 25328)
(304) 342-3543
www.wvmasons.org |
Not recognized by Mainstream counterpart
M.W. Prince Hall Grand Lodge of West Virginia, F&AM, Inc.
PO Box 233
Whitman, WV 25652-0233
www.mwphgl-wv.us.tt/ |
WI |
Wisconsin |
Grand Lodge of Wisconsin, F&AM
36274 Sunset Dr., Dousman, WI 53118
(414) 965-2200
M.W. Prince Hall Grand Lodge F&AM of
Wisconsin, Inc.
600 W. Walnut Street
Milwaukee, WI 53212
(414) 265-6555 |
WY |
Wyoming |
Grand Lodge of Wyoming, AF&AM
2125 Cy Avenue, Casper, WY 82602
(mail to: PO Box 459, Casper, WY 82602)
(307) 234-2692
www.wyomingmasons.com |
Prince Hall Lodges in Wyoming are chartered by
the Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Colorado |
We'll have this
page expanded very shortly....
Gabon |
Grande Loge Du Gabon
BP. 233 Libreville
Tel: 214-71.07.19 |
No known website |
Ghana |
There are Masonic Lodges in Ghana under
the Grand Lodge of Scotland and the United Grand Lodge of England. |
Their addresses appear below. |
Kenya |
There are Masonic Lodges in Kenya under the Grand Lodge of
Scotland. |
That address appears below. |
Mauritius |
Grand Lodge of Mauritius
176 Route Royale
Beau Bassin
Ile Maurice, Mauritius
Tel: +230 466 4834 |
www.glmauritius.org |
Nigeria |
There are Masonic Lodges in Lagos and
elsewhere in Nigeria under the Grand Lodge of Scotland and the United
Grand Lodge of England. |
Their addresses appears below. |
South Africa |
Grand Lodge of South Africa, AF&AM
Grand Lodge Centre
75 13th Street, Orange Grove Code 2192
PO Box 46203, Orange Grove Code 2119
Johannesburg, South Africa
In addition, there are lodges under the United Grand Lodge of England
(contact information below). |
Tanzania |
There are Masonic Lodges in Tanzania under the United
Grand Lodge of England and the Grand Lodge of Scotland |
Their addresses appears below. |
Togo |
Grande Loge Nationale Togolaise
P. O. Box 106
Lomé, Togo (West Africa)
Tel: +228 250 68 22 |
http://glnt.org |
Uganda |
There are Masonic Lodges in Uganda under the United Grand Lodge of England. |
Their address appears below. |
Bahamas (& Turks) |
The Bahamas have lodges organized under both the United
Grand Lodge of England (local
website link), the Grand Lodge of Ireland, and the Grand Lodge of
Scotland (local
website link) |
The MWPHGL of the Bahamas had a website on the now defunct
Geocities web pages that had not been updated since 2000. We're looking
for a better point of contact for you. |
Barbados |
Barbados has lodges under the Grand Lodge of Scotland
(local website link)
and the Grand Lodge of Ireland |
Costa Rica |
El Salvador |
Guatemala |
Mexico |
There are multiple Grand Lodges in Mexico, not all of
which are recognized by other Grand Lodges in the world. Tread
carefully! |
Panama |
There are lodges in Panama under the Grand Lodge of
Massachusetts as well as the Grand Lodge of Ireland |
Addresses on this page. |
Tobago |
See the District Grand Lodge of
Trinidad and Tobago under the
Grand Lodge of Scotland |
Their address appears below. |
Trinidad |
See the District Grand Lodge of
Trinidad and Tobago under the
Grand Lodge of Scotland |
See MW Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Massachusetts
China |
Grand Lodge of China, F&AM
Masonic Temple
10, Lane 201, Chang-an East Road, Sec. 2,
Taipei, 10406, Taiwan, ROC
Tel: 886-2-27713310 |
www.grandlodge-china.org |
Guam |
India |
The Grand Lodge of India, AF&AM
Freemasons’ Hall
P.O.Box 681
Janpath, New Delhi - 110001 India.
Tel: 91-11-23321956, 23321949 |
www.masonindia.org |
Japan |
Grand Lodge of F. & A.M. of Japan
Tokyo Masonic Building
1-3 Shibakoen, 4-Chome
Minato-ku, Tokyo 105, Japan
Tel: 033-433-4981 |
Korea |
Most lodges in Korea are part of the Grand Lodge of
Scotland. There is also a lodge under the Grand Lodge of the Philippines
which meets on the US Base at Seoul. There are also Prince Hall Lodges
which can be found by referring to the website to the right. |
www.koreafreemason.com |
Malaysia |
There are Masonic Lodges under the Grand Lodge of Scotland and the United
Grand Lodge of England. |
See those listings |
Philippines |
Grand Lodge of the Philippines, F&AM
New Plaridel Masonic Temple
1440 San Marcelino Street, P. O. Box 990
Ermita, Manila, Philippines 1000
Tel: (0632) 522-2218 / 522-2328 / 536-1383 |
www.glphils.org |
Thailand |
The United Grand Lodge of England,
the Grand Lodges of Scotland and Ireland, the Grand East of the
Netherlands, and the Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Delaware
all have lodges in Thailand. Contact should be made through them. |
There's an unofficial website at
www.thaifreemason.com which has information. |
Province |
"Mainstream" |
Prince Hall |
Alberta |
The Grand Lodge of Alberta, AF&AM
330-12 Ave., S.W.
Calgary, Alberta
Canada T2R 0H2
(403) 262-1149
www.freemasons.ab.ca |
This column |
British Columbia & Yukon |
The Grand Lodge of British Columbia
& Yukon, AF&AM
Vancouver Masonic Centre
1594 West 8th Avenue
Vancouver, BC, Canada V6H 1C9
(604) 736-8941
www.freemasonry.bcy.ca |
The Prince Hall lodges in British Columbia are
chartered by the MW Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Washington (US)
http://freemasonry.bcy.ca/prince_hall/tr.html |
Manitoba |
Grand Lodge of Manitoba, AF&AM
420 Corydon Avenue
Winnipeg, Manitoba, CA R3L 0N8
(204) 453-7410
www.grandlodge.mb.ca |
See Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Minnesota, USA |
New Brunswick |
Grand Lodge of New Brunswick, F&AM
PO Box 6430, Sta. "A"
Saint John, NB E2L 4R8
(506) 652-2390
www.glnb.org |
Newfoundland & Labrador |
Grand Lodge of Newfoundland &
Labrador, AF&AM
PO Box 23018
St. John’s, Newfoundland, A1B 4J9
www.newcomm.net/masonic/ |
Newfoundland & Labrador
(Scottish Constitution) |
Grand Lodge of Antient Free &
Accepted Masons of Scotland
District Grand Lodge of Newfoundland and Labrador
P.O. Box 21178
St. John's, NL A1A 5B2
www.freemasonry.nf.ca |
Nova Scotia |
Grand Lodge of Ancient Free and
Accepted Masons of Nova Scotia
1533 Barrington Street, Second Floor
Halifax, NS, Canada B3J 1Z4
(902) 423-6149
www.grandlodgens.org |
Ontario |
Grand Lodge of Canada in the
Province of Ontario, AF&AM (GRC)
363 King Street, W.
Hamilton, Ontario, Canada L8P 1B4
(905) 528-8644
www.grandlodge.on.ca |
Prince Edward Island |
Grand Lodge of Prince Edward Island
P.O. Box 337, Charlottetown C1A 7K7
(902) 629-1265
www.freemasonry.pe.ca |
Quebec |
Grand Lodge of Quebec, AF&AM
2295 St. Mark Street
Montreal, H3H 2G9
(514) 933-9739
www.glquebec.org |
Saskatchewan |
Grand Lodge of Saskatchewan, AF&
1930 Lorne Street
Regina, SK. S4P 2M1
(306) 522-5686
www.masons.sk.ca |
Albania |
www.grandlodge-albania.org/ |
Andorra |
Grand Lodge of Andorra
Boîte Postale 202 Poste Française
AD502 Andorra la Vella - (Principality of Andorra) |
www.gran-logia-andorra.com |
Armenia |
Mailing address: P.O. Box 23378
Washington DC, 20036-3378, U.S.AP.O.Box 65, Yerevan 0010, Armenia |
Founded in 2002, this Grand Lodge is not recognized by most others
but the number is increasing each year. It is currently recognized by 10
US Grand Lodges. |
Belgium |
The Regular Grand Lodge of Belguim
265 rue Royale
1030 Brussels, Belgium |
www.glrb.org |
Bulgaria |
www.grandlodge-bulgaria.org/ |
Croatia |
www.freemasonry-croatia.org |
Cyprus |
Grand Lodge of Cyprus, A. F.
& A. M.
Freemasons Hall
59A Onasagorou Street
Nicosia 1011 – Cyprus
P. O. Box 23993
Nicosia 1687 – Cyprus
Tel : +357 22871171 / +357 22376847 |
www.megalistoatiskyprou.org For the first
time, they will be listed in the 2010 Pantagraph book . From a very
reliable source:
There is some controversy over Cyprus, as the local
district GL of UGLE does not wish that they be recognized. The COGMNA
commission has not yet acted but with 17 US Mainstream jurisdictions now
accepting them this will likely move forward in the near future. |
Czech Republic |
Grand Lodge of the Czech Republic F.A.M.
Loze Ceske Republiky commonly known as VLCR)
Veliká Lóže ČR
P.O. Box 99
CZ-111 21 Praha 1
Czech Republic |
www.freemasonry.cz |
Finland |
Grand Lodge of Finland
Kasarmikatu 16 D
00130 Helsinki, Finland
Tel.: +358 9 6844 320 |
www.vapaamuurarit.fi/ |
France |
Grande Lodge Nationale Francais
12 rue Christine de Pisan
75017 Paris
Tél: 44 15 86 20 |
www.glnf.asso.fr/ |
Germany |
United Grand Lodges of Germany,
Brotherhood of Freemasons
Emser Str. 10
10719 Berlin
Tel: 030 861 47 96 |
www.freimaurer.org |
Greece |
Grand Lodge of Greece, AF&AM
Masonic Hall
(PO Box 3201, 10210 Athens)
19 Acharnon Street, Athens
Tel: ++30210-8229950 |
www.grandlodge.gr |
Hungary |
Symbolic Grand Lodge of Hungary
(Pf. 395, 1446, Budapest)
Masonic Temple
Lovolde ter 2, Budapest, Hungary |
Iceland |
Masonic Temple
Skulagata 55
105, Reykjavik, Iceland |
www.frmr.is |
Ireland |
Grand Lodge of Ireland
Freemasons' Hall,
17 Molesworth Street
Dublin 2
353 +(0) 1 6761337 |
www.irish-freemasons.org |
Netherlands |
P.O. Box 11525
2502 AM The Hague |
www.vrijmetselarij.nl |
Norway |
Den Norske
Store Landsloge
Nedre Vollgt. 19
0158 Oslo, Norway
(NB! Ny postadresse:
Postboks 506 Sentrum
0105 Oslo, Norway)
Telefon: 22 47 95 00. Fax 22 47 95 21 |
www.frimurer.no |
Romania |
National Grand Lodge of Romania
Freemasons' Hall
Matei Elina Voievod - Str. No. 2A
Sect. 2, cod 021462
Bucharest, Romania
Tel: 0040-21-252.88.44 |
Note: Due to its recent reformation, this Grand Lodge
does not have fraternal relations with some Grand Lodges including
Philippines, Scotland, South Africa, Sweden, and PGHL in California,
Connecticut and New York. It is, however, regular and recognized by the
UGLE and others. |
Serbia |
Regular Grand Lodge of Serbia
PO Box 64
11000 Belgrade, Serbia |
www.rgls.org English: http://www.rgls.org/en/home.html
Serbian: http://www.rgls.org/sr/start.html |
Spain |
Grand Lodge of Spain, AF&AM
Masonic Temple
Gran Via de les Corts Catalanes, 617
08007 Barcelona
Tel: 00 34 93 302 59 91 |
www.granlogia.info |
Sweden |
Svenska Frimurare Orden
(Swedish Order of Freemasons)
Nybrokajen 7, 2 tr
Tel: +46 8 463 37 06
(Grand Secretary)
+46 8 463 37 10 (International Relations) |
www.frimurarorden.se/ See note at the bottom
of this section! |
* Freemasonry in Sweden is quite
different than most other places. A very clear explanation of the differences
can be found
thanks to Bro. Åke Eldberg.
Egypt |
Freemasonry was banned in Egypt in 1964. An internet
search will reveal a "Regular Grand Lodge of Egypt" but this is a
bogus group, part of the irregular and unrecognized "Regular Grand Lodge of England" which you can
read about in detail here. Should
you become associated with this organization, you will never be welcomed
in any of the tens of thousands of regular/recognized Masonic lodges
throughout the world. Further, a particularly immature internet gadfly
- Brad Cofield - has created a series of internet web
sites identified as "Egyptian Freemasonry". These have no connection
whatsoever with Egypt, Freemasonry, or reality and are simply
more of Brad's puerile attempts to garner attention. You can read more
about him here. |
Iran |
Ruled as a theocracy, Freemasonry simply does not exist
here - similar to any other dictatorship where the ideals of free
thought are subjugated to totalitarian rule. There is a Grand Lodge of
Iran in Exile whose Grand Master and Grand
Secretary are in California and whose regalia and possessions are safely
protected in a storage area at the Grand Lodge of Massachusetts but as
far as we know, they have no active lodges within the country. |
Iraq |
Under the former dictatorship, Freemasonry was - as
under all similar political regimes - forbidden. With the arrival of
American and other troops there, some informal meetings are being held.
However, of particular note is that the so-called "Grand Master of the
Regular Grand Lodge of North Carolina" (a 'fake' organization), Leslie
G. Harmanson is a Sergeant First Class with the US Army there as of
December, 2009 and is apparently passing out degrees. His organization
is part of the so-called "Regular Grand Lodge of England" and
their fantasy creation of "Masonic High Councils" which you can read
about in detail here and
here. Should you become
associated with this organization, you will never be welcomed in any of
the tens of thousands of regular & recognized Masonic lodges throughout
the world. Masons and those who wish to join Freemasonry would do well to
consider that SFC Harmanson's group is grossly irregular in the eyes of the
Masonic world and should therefore govern themselves accordingly. |
Israel |
The Grand Lodge of the State of
Israel, AF&AM 4 Berkowitz St. (Museum
Building, 4th floor)
Tel Aviv 6133102 Israel
P.O.Box 33206
Tel Aviv 61331, ISRAEL
Tel: +972-3-695 42 18/9
http://www.freemasonry-israel.org.il/en/ |
Jordan |
The Grand Lodge of Scotland has a lodge in Amman,
Jordan. You should contact them for information. (See below.) |
Lebanon |
The Grand Lodge of Scotland has lodges in Lebanon. You
should contact them for more information. (See below.) Their District
web site is at
www.freemasonlb.net/home1.html. The Grand Lodge
of New York (USA) also has several lodges there. (Address above.) An internet search will reveal a "Masonic
High Council" in Lebanon but this is a bogus group, part of the
so-called "Regular Grand Lodge of England" and their fantasy
creation of "Masonic High Councils" which you can read about in detail
here. Should you become
associated with this organization, you will never be welcomed in any of
the tens of thousands of regular & recognized Masonic lodges throughout
the world. And don't for a moment believe that this group is part of the
regular/recognized United Grand Lodge of England. A reader reports that
he was told the UGLE is "upper class" and they formed the REGULAR Grand
Lodge of England to be open to all men. What hogwash! An excellent
website addressing bogus/clandestine Freemasonry in this country can be
found here.
Begun in August, 2010, we hope it will grow and expand as the days go
on! |
Pakistan |
Lodges were disbanded in
1972, when then Prime Minister of Pakistan, Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto placed a
ban on Freemasonry in Pakistan. |
Saudi Arabia |
Freemasonry does not
exist in Saudi Arabia. An internet search will reveal a "Masonic
High Council" but this is a bogus group, part of the
so-called "Regular Grand Lodge of England" and
their fantasy creation of "Masonic High Councils" which you can
read about in detail here. Should
you become associated with this organization, you will never be welcomed
in any of the tens of thousands of regular & recognized Masonic lodges
throughout the world. |
United Arab Emirates |
Regular/Recognized Freemasonry does not
appear to exist in the UAE as with many other non-democratic
regimes. An internet search may reveal so-called lodges there but
they're likely part of bogus organizations. Should you become associated
with them, you will never be welcomed
in any of the tens of thousands of regular & recognized Masonic lodges
throughout the world. See here
for more information. |
Australia |
Master site connecting to all
Australian sites |
www.freemasonry.org.au |
Queensland |
www.uglq.org.au |
New Zealand |
Freemasons New Zealand
Level 6 Freemason House
195-201 Willis Street Te Aro
Wellington 6011 New Zealand
Mailing Address:PO Box 6439, Marion Square. Wellington
Tel: (04) 385-6622
International: +64-4-385-6622 |
http://www.freemasons.co.nz |
South Australia
and Northern Territory |
Tasmania |
Victoria |
Western Australia |
England & Wales |
United Grand Lodge of England
Freemasons' Hall
60 Great Queen Street
London WC2B 5AZ
(0) 20 7831 9811 |
www.ugle.org.uk |
Important note: there are
at least two 'fake'
Grand Lodges in England which have (had) an active internet presence. They
will try to convince you that they and they alone are the 'true' Masonic
bodies in that country. Don't be misled! You can read about these and
other 'fake' Masonic organizations
Also, do NOT believe the internet lies that a "Masonic High Council" is
over all of the world's Freemasonry. That's a deceit and their members
control NOTHING. A/the "Masonic
High Council" is, in reality, a bogus group with no authority over
anything but their very few members (probably less than a hundred). |
Ireland |
Grand Lodge of Ireland
Freemasons' Hall,
17 Molesworth Street
Dublin 2
353 +(0) 1 6761337 |
www.irish-freemasons.org (*We know that Ireland
isn't a part of the United Kingdom but we've put it in this section for
Americans who don't understand that - and also added it as part of
Europe also!) |
Scotland |
Grand Lodge of Scotland
Freemasons' Hall,
96 George Street,
Edinburgh, Scotland,
Tel: 0131 225 5577 |
www.grandlodgescotland.com |