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Masons and non-Masons have taken a look at our site - and have sent us several 'web' awards. For those new to the internet, this was a real fad back in area of 1996-1999 when there were FAR fewer people online and when people created websites 'just for the heck of it'. Now such things are pretty much an anacronism but we've kept them here because they were fun once. Some of the web awards we previously received were moved to separate pages because <blush> this one was getting so bloated with graphics! We thank all who've recognized us! 2002 Update: With the 'newness' of the web wearing off coupled with the demands on everyone's time in an increasingly difficult economy, the former flood of award offerings has diminished to a trickle. We thank those who took the time to do this in the past, helping others to sort through the chaff to find the wheat. With free sites now becoming a rarity, web awards seem to be going the way of the dinosaur but we're pleased we were honored. 2004 Update: Awards for websites are now basically a thing of the past. As a result, we do not expect that this section will be updated very much further. We again offer our thanks to those who recognized our work! It should be emphasized that REGARDLESS of the nature of web awards or web links, this site is UNOFFICIAL in every way and that links from Masonic organizations are no more significant than links from a college which has found our web design concepts a good teaching example or the couple of anti-Masonic sites that link to us to show just how evil Freemasonry really is!!! (This page is graphics intensive and may take a minute or two to load completely. Please be patient.)
![]() Pietre-Stones Review of Freemasonry ![]() Pietre-Stones Review of Freemasonry Again we're honored to receive this award from one of the greatest and most informative sites on the world-wide web. Bro. Bruno Gazzo's work is truly that of a Master!
West Milton Lodge again honored us with their gorgeous award for the year 2001, giving us a 'perfect' score on their ranking system. It's most appreciated!
What truly caught us off-guard was our having been named E-Mason of the Year for 1999. This was something that we never in our wildest dreams would have expected. This was not done alone, though, and our "Thanks" page reflects only a part of those who've contributed to this piece of work. Many thanks to all who've provided encouragement, support, derision and scorn. By doing so, you've spurred us far beyond anything we might have done otherwise. We thank the Board of Directors of E-Mason for their singular honor. VIRGIN LODGE AWARDOur Nova Scotia brethren have honored us with this exceptionally unique award. Freemasonry's symbolism of the virgin weeping is one of the most profound and this lodge clearly is worthy of its namesake. We encourage you to visit them at their web site - and we hope we'll get a chance to visit them on a trip to Nova Scotia soon!
Kerby, OregonBelt Lodge # 18 named our site as their "Site of the Month" for January, 2000. Our thanks to Bro. Graham L. Baker, Sr, PM, for his warm fraternal comments.
WML SITE OF THE YEAR!West Milton Lodge #577 in Ohio, USA has given us a singular honor in naming our site their "Site of the Year". This GORGEOUS graphic arrived at Christmas and was for us a most wonderful gift. Our most sincere thanks to the Officers, Members, and Lodge Web Committee for this unique recognition. We are truly humbled! In 2005, we learned of their new website: just click on the graphic and you'll find a GREAT Lodge that we'd love to visit someday!
This site and its contents are © (copyright) 1998-2014 by Edward L. King (Ed King). All rights reserved. All comments and opinions are mine personally. Got some thoughts or reactions?
We'd be interested in your comments - within reason of