OVERHAUL with addition of many of the most recent publications. We'll be working
on that in the very near future! Please stay tuned.... In the meantime, though,
feel free to browse our book reviews
here which include a number of works after this list was compiled.

What should I read first?
We regularly
get inquiries from Masons and non-Masons alike asking "What should I read to further understand
Freemasonry?". Anti-Masons will sometimes refer
to 'recommended reading lists' of lodges - which, in reality, do not exist.
there is no specified 'reading list' for Freemasons. Over the years, a few individuals
and/or organizations have cobbled together a list of things that they feel are
valuable but such lists are the exclusive work of the individual and often
greatly reflect their particular field of interest or fascination. No such list
should ever be considered as required and, regrettably, there are those Masons
who do not take seriously the admonition that they should make a daily
advancement in their education.
We've seen a
dozen or more lists over the years and although we were always able to find
something we'd missed, we'd never seen the 'perfect' list for both Masons and
non-Masons. With that understanding, we've taken from the Grand Lodge of New
York's Livingston Masonic Museum a list of books
they recommended for a reading course they designed for New York Masons in 1998.
We then removed
those works specific to New York Freemasonry and updated the now several year old list
with a couple of more recent publications (noted with an asterisk) that we felt worthy of
inclusion. We'll use the same groupings they used.
Masonic Philanthropies
by S. Brent Morris |
The Craft and its Symbols
by Allen E. Roberts |
A Comprehensive View of Freemasonry
by Henry Wilson Coil |
The Builders
by Joseph Fort Newton |
Along Masonic Trails
by Wilmer E. Bresee |
The Men's House
by Joseph Fort Newton |
The Newly-Made Mason
by H. L. Haywood |
Freemason's Guide and Compendium
by Bernard Edward Jones |
Foreign Countries
by Carl Claudy |
Pilgrim's Path
by John J. Robinson |
The Freemasons *
by Jasper Ridley |
Review |
Dear Brother Herman
by Herman Sarachan |
The Genesis of Freemasonry
by Douglas Knoop and G. P. Jones |
The Pocket History of Freemasonry
by Fred L. Pick and G. Norman Knight |
Facts, Fables, and Fantasies of Freemasonry
by William A. Brown |
Masonic Symbolism
by Charles C. Hunt |
Revelations of a Square
by George Oliver |
Sources of Masonic Symbolism
by Alex Horne |
Famous Masons
by H. L. Haywood |
The Clergy and the Craft
by Forrest DeLoss Haggard |
A Masonic Thought for Each Day of the Year
by Alphonse Cerza |
Spirit of Masonry
by William Hutchinson |
The Meaning of Masonry
by Walter Wilmshurst |
The Masonic Ladder
by John Sherer |
The Temple and the Lodge
by Michael Baigent and Richard Leigh |
Revolutionary Brotherhood
by Steven C. Bullock |
House Undivided
by Allen E. Roberts |
House Reunited
by Allen E. Roberts |
Masonic Membership of the Founding Fathers
by Ronald F. Heaton |
Freemasonry and the Presidency
by Ray Vaughn Denslow |
Colonial Freemasonry
by Louis C. "Wes" Cook |
Freemasonry in the Thirteen Colonies
by J. Hugo Tatsch |
Cornerstones of Freedom
by S. Brent Morris |
Brother Truman
by Allen E. Roberts |
George Washington, Master Mason
by Allen E. Roberts |
Freemen and Freemasons
by James W. Beless |
The Lodge in Friendship Village
by P. W. George |
These Were Brethren
by Carl H. Claudy |
The Man Who Would Be King (and other stories)
by Rudyard Kipling |
Twice-Told Tales
by L. C. Helms |
A Treasury of Masonic Thought
by Carl Glick |
Tied to Masonic Apron Strings
by Stewart M. L. Pollard |
Born in Blood
by John J. Robinson |
Review |
Two Crowns for America
by Katherine Kurtz |
Review |
Focault's Pendulum
by Umberto Eco |
In addition to the excellent selections outlined above, the Livingstone Masonic
Library also has suggested reading material for a Warden's course, Public
Speaking course, District Deputies' course, Royal Arch course, Scottish Rite
course, Masonic Antique Collector's course, Lives of Famous Freemasons course
and Masonic Organizations course. Check them out here.