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Many people, including some new Masons, seek sources of Masonic literature; here are some (along with some places for gifts too....). Don't forget to check out our page of "Masonic Resources" as well! Places to Buy
And before going further, please accept this gentle reminder to check around locally first so that you support folks in your own community. Some things are pretty unique but others - embroidered and engraved items in particular - are usually obtainable locally at prices equally good (or perhaps better). Support your neighbors - and they'll support you! |
The Masonic Shop is an online store with all kinds of things, much of it free (donations appreciated - and you should because of all the work that's gone into it). From Masonic wallpaper to stamps and jewelry, this site is a treasure-trove of 'things ya gotta have'! They support Freemasonry with links to Masonic Service Association appeals and more. You really should check it out.
Gordon Spurlock is a retired Navy man and Freemason who creates custom-made inexpensive rings. His web site is here. We've seen several examples of Gordon's work and have heard several stories of how he goes out of his way to get your ring to you on time. Satisfaction and quality are prominent with him! Do check his site if you're in the market for an inexpensive, quality ring.
And Fraternal Crafters is another Mason who creates custom-made inexpensive rings also. You can see their work here. It's very nice.
Harry Klitzner has a wide variety of things so if you're looking for a gift, they're a good place to check as well.
Ronald Swisher has some emblematic wood cuts available if you're looking for that type of thing. You'll find them at
Wilkins Brothers advertises themselves as serving the Southern Jurisdiction of the Scottish Rite but their offerings will appeal to any Mason looking for rings and jewelry.
Turin & Company is another supplier of good repute. Shriners in particular will like their selection of items.
BMJ Collectibles specializes in Masonic textile products including tapestries, pillows, door pillows, wall hangings, tote bags, and monitor covers. Nice looking things - some on our birthday wish list!
PinWorld has a
whole bunch of things for the Mason - and what Mason has enough pins, eh?
They've been donating money from their sales to 9/11 charities and they've got a
Masonic/Twin Towers pin that's pretty unique.
Wheeler Wood Works has some interesting Bible boxes for Masons and Eastern Star. We've never seen one in person but they certainly look nice on the web. Check them out.
And no listing of suppliers would be complete without a mention of Hiram
Hunter who eBay denizens know well. Quick and VERY friendly fraternal service is a
hallmark of this supplier. Do check out the GREAT Masonic auto tail light decals
which we now are seen on LOTS of cars in our area!
(Check with your local authorities first, though, as we understand that they're
not legal in some places!) As of June,
2012, Bro. Hunter seems to have disappeared from the web and complaints at the
Better Business Bureau are piling up. We fear something may have befallen this
long-time trusty supplier of wonderful things who was ALWAYS quick to serve and
ready to make things right. If you have information on this, please let us know!
Bro. Paul Bessel who provides an invaluable service to the fraternity with his online lists of nearly everything imaginable has a more extensive list of suppliers of fraternal items. Be sure to check it by clicking here as well.
In addition to the above, online bookstores regularly carry Masonic books and books about subjects of interest to Masons. They carry anti-Masonic books too, some of which might appear at first to be about Freemasonry when they are but rants of little interest to the average Mason. And the 'sensational' books with little reality can be found there readily as well. Check our Book Review page which might help and read their reviews from other readers before you buy. Drop us a note if in doubt; we'll be glad to give you our quick summary if we know something....
Enjoy your shopping!
Last updated
January 19, 2014
This site and its contents are © (copyright) 1998-2014 by Edward L. King (Ed King). All rights reserved. All comments and opinions are mine personally. Got some thoughts or reactions?
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