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Let's begin with a very clear statement of fact: we don't track identifiable information on users of this site. No way; no how! Period. Full stop. End of discussion. Clear enough? We do NOT track users to this web site! You're entitled to your privacy. It's that simple. We're happy you dropped by - for whatever reason. Hopefully you've learned something while you've been here. Our excellent search engine, however, does give us a weekly report showing what folks are asking about. It doesn't tell us who you are but simply provides the 'top ten inquiries' during that period. Most of the time, things are covered here in detail but sometimes as we look at the list of what folks were searching for, we realize that we really don't have anything onboard OR we scratch our heads wondering just what in the heck the inquiry was all about. As a result of those lists, we've decided to provide a few quick 'one-liners' (sometimes more) that will address things not covered elsewhere on this site. This page will be growing as we have time to add inquiries from the past. Fellowcraft Lecture - Well, we don't have any of the ritual for the various degrees on our site. Ritual varies from jurisdiction to jurisdiction so having the FC Lecture from California, for example, wouldn't help a Texas Mason one bit. If you need rituals, contact your Grand Secretary. He'll be happy to sell you one! Phi Delta Theta - Many college fraternities in the US were modeled after either the concepts or the rituals of Freemasonry - or both! Others would 'borrow' from them and Masons, being of the type who found fraternal involvement of interest, would be members or founders. This is an area which we have not had the time to write on in depth. Suffice it to say: those fraternities whose initiations were filled with pranks and hazing were those which, if seeming Masonic-like, were probably corruptions of some ritual exposure such as Duncan's or Richardson's. Those which were somber, serious and filled with the hope of a higher purpose for the members were likely those which were started by Masons or greatly influenced by those with Mason-like purpose. Brisco - Somebody was looking for this. We thought it was the name of a character in "Law and Order". Ok, Lennie? Songs - Regrettably, we don't have any here. However, if you're looking for Masonic Music, you'd absolutely want to head to the website of our Texas Brother and friend, Judge J. R. Martin. His "The Music of Freemasonry" at is an audio treat that you'll really enjoy. It's tremendous! There are also a number of CDs with excellent music relating to Freemasonry. Check our page here. Amazing Lid of Palenque / Kebroath - We had earlier written that we had no clue on this but an alert reader has provided a wealth of information. We'll add it here shortly. However, there is no connection to Freemasonry involved. Masonic Homes - We suspect that the person searching may have hoped for a list of homes or their location on the web. It might be fastest to contact the Grand Lodge of the jurisdiction in which you've got an interest and ask them directly. Burrows - A person's name perhaps? We're curious.... Abaddon -
Used in Rev.. ix. 11 as equivalent to the Gr. Spear of Longinus - WAIT - there's LOTS of information about this. So much, in fact, that we've even created a separate page. Why? Just so folks will stop writing.... See it here. Elo - If the OED has no clue, we don't either.... Grand Honors - Using ancient customs, Masons 'salute' their leadership with a ritualized set of signs and claps. Isn't this odd? Not really. If you've ever been to a wedding where guests at the reception would tap their knives against the side of their glasses to make a tinkling sound which indicates to the bride and groom that a kiss is deemed appropriate! Fraternal Order of Police (FOP) - Nope: no connection (except, of course, that some Masons who are law enforcement officers are also members of this organization. Andrew Jahson - A cousin of Andrew Jackson, perhaps? Someone searched on it eleven times!.... Entreing - Looks like another case of poor spelling - but nine times? Handshake - OOOOooooooo..... It's a secret! Famous People in Peru - Problem is, when one's not in a particular country, they must rely on information they find publicly available to them. We don't have much on this topic and, sad to say, the closest we've ever been to Peru was vicariously through a book about a train adventure! Fadis - We keep wondering. Human sacrifices - No, folks. Wrong place - DEFINITELY the wrong place! So Moted Be - Here again, spelling seems a problem but we can at least understand on this one. At the end of a prayer, the usual Masonic response is "So Mote It Be." which is very much like saying "Amen" and, at some times in the past, was a regularly employed alternative to that amongst the general public. Alchemy - If you can figure out how to make gold, PLEASE let us know - secretly, of course! Machupichu - We suspect our friend Denis put that in the search engine just to see what would happen. He's been there as a photographer and his pictures are outstanding. Disliking heights, we're not going to put it on our itinerary for vacationing for a LONG time to come. Pat Robison - Ya gotta spell things correctly if you hope to find them, folks. The person who tried this one never went back for the CORRECT name. <sigh>
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