much is this worth?
Every month,
masonicinfo.com receives several inquiries often accompanied by digital
photographs asking for guidance on the worth of some family treasure or trinket
found at a lawn sale. With a few, there's a long provenance that is fascinating
to read while with others it's "...something I found....".
Be it a Masonic apron, a
beautifully framed membership certificate, a wonderfully engraved box, or a
breast jewel, these items are usually gorgeous to view and give anyone involved
in Freemasonry a few moments of contemplation on their history.
It's a matter of ethics
However, despite the
temptation to hazard a guess, the fact is that yours truly is NOT a professional
appraiser. Appraising ANYTHING takes a deep knowledge of the marketplace and
despite the ease with which the folks on
Roadshow seem to rattle off stories about many varied objects, the
careful observer will note that those doing the speaking on particular
objects are experts in that field, working daily in the auction market and
following all of the sales and offers of similar items.
You don't see the Keno
twins giving their opinion on the price of stamp collections nor do you see the
mustachioed Noel Barrett waxing poetic on the grace of a porcelain jar. These
folks are experts in THEIR respective fields (furniture and toys) - and it's
what they do every day of the week. When they give appraisals, it's in their
field of expertise. Further, if you listen carefully you'll hear them almost
invariably say, "I've checked with my colleagues...." or "I've seen these go
for...." They want to get it right - but with Masonic objects, there's a very
small market and experts are nowhere to be found except in the broader context
(books, jewelry, furniture, etc.) where they've likely seen Masonic items of
that ilk.
What about
Phoenix Masonry?
They're a museum....
NO, they aren't. They identify themselves as "An organization exhibiting Masonic
documents, lectures, and objects in a historical context." - but their
"exhibits" are online only and they appear to be owned by one person.
The Phoenix Masonry
website started not long after ours did and in the beginning they had all sorts
of eye candy at a time when pictures of 'things Masonic' on the web were very scarce.
They went about accumulating things that they'd show on their site, some
apparently DONATED by kind-hearted Masons or their families. It can only be
assumed they thought this was some kind of brick and mortar institution and that
their heirlooms or finds would be kept in perpetuity. In fact, such donations
are ENCOURAGED as is seen by the statement below.
"We hope
that this museum becomes an inspiration to those who have visited and would like
to "Thank" again the many Brethren and individuals who donated their time and
artifacts to bring this project through to fruition. If you have an item that
you would like to donate in your name or "In Memory" of another or a special
Masonic item of interest that you might just want to share pictures of with
others, please contact the curator at...." (Phoenix
Masonry website accessed 31 August 2009.
Link here)
Moreover, though, some
of our correspondents would write for our opinion on prices, saying that
they had received an appraisal from Phoenix Masonry that was well below what
they thought the item was worth - accompanied by a suggestion from Phoenix
suggesting that it be donated to them. That just didn't seem right in light of
the fact that this was not a 'real' museum but simply an individual collecting
Masonic artifacts and putting them on view on the web. We'd regularly write back
suggesting a PROFESSIONAL appraisal before proceeding.
Certainly not everything
they've handled over the years had that taint. I know, for example, that they've
purchased some things in open bidding on e-Bay. In fact, the DeMoulin catalog
they have on their site today was something I was bidding on at the same time. I
knew they were the winners when it appeared on their site about three weeks
However, as so many have
learned the hard way, the web isn't always what it seems. The creator of the
Phoenix Masonry website is not, in fact, a regular/recognized Freemason. For
several years he was the Webmaster for the
Masonic Library and
Museum Association but membership in that organization is NOT predicated on
Masonic membership. He is a member of a group that we consider 'fake
Masonry' and would never be allowed to attend a meeting of the local Masonic lodge
in your area. During late 2008 he began making several quite vocal disparaging
comments about regular and recognized Freemasonry and then abruptly quit his
MLMA membership with the threat of closing the Association's website. The
organization acted quickly and a new site with a new domain name was created but
his behavior further taints what the Phoenix Masonry website is doing.
Roadshow appraisers buy
things though...
Not really. The
appraiser is NOT buying the item for their own use, to keep at their house. They
act as middle-men, putting items up for auction and then taking a percentage of
the sale whether it's higher or lower than their appraisal. In fact, the
program's website even has a page to help viewers understand what's happening.
here but we've copied two paragraphs which are important to understand -
both in relation to the Roadshow and ANY appraisal:
Shouldn't an expert on
Freemasonry know how much things are worth?
is, when you think about it, in the eye of the buyer. The price paid for that
DeMoulin catalog mentioned above was worth what either they or I stopped bidding
at. Had I been more enthusiastic about ephemera at that point in time, it would
have been 'worth' much more (to me) but I had other things to spend money on.
And thus, someone not in
the business of buying and selling items for third parties really doesn't have
an ethical 'leg to stand on' when they accumulate potentially expensive items
with the only return being the opportunity for others to see them online. Nor is
someone not certified as an appraiser qualified (in some states/countries
a license is required!) to put an estimate on something, either for sale or
insurance purposes.
And yes, it's true that
many folks coming to Antiques Road Show will tell stories about a former appraiser
giving an estimate FAR below what the actual cost of the item was worth. This
again points to the need to deal with a professional appraiser. Just because
I've seen five copies of a particular item over the past three years doesn't
mean that it's not the only five copies in existence and it's a priceless
Sometimes, the value of
an item is FAR overblown. I was contacted by e-mail with an offer of a nicely
framed membership certificate from a lodge in my own jurisdiction in the late
1800s. The seller was looking for an offer in the $250 range. A quick check
of the Grand Lodge membership roster showed that the individual who had
originally received the certificate had never taken an office in that lodge and
apparently was suspended for non-payment of dues. Why it was so nicely framed is
a mystery but the fact is that the item had little actual value except, perhaps,
to a descendant and even then it would be questionable based on the membership
results of the individual to whom it was initially issued. The piece of glass above,
however, was something I very much wanted - and it's now mine, thanks to e-Bay!
REAL Masonic Museums
We'd encourage you to
this blog post titled "The question we cannot answer" from the
National Heritage Museum in Lexington,
Massachusetts. They state quite clearly that providing appraisals is, for any
museum, a conflict of interest and state "In fact, the American Association of
Museums is quite clear on this point."
And we know we've taken
issue with a website that many regular/recognized Freemasons have found of particular interest but
it seems to us that there's too much room for improper dealings unless matters
are brought into the light of day. Recent economic conditions have led to a much
larger number of price inquiries than in the past thus precipitating this page.
While certainly the creator of Phoenix Masonry will likely take umbrage as will
his supporters (at least one of whom is a very vocal supporter of 'fake
Masonry'), facts are facts - and we'd be happy to post any rebuttal from the
Phoenix Masonry folks should they care to provide it.

created 31 August 2009