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Here are some facts about Masons and Masonry Independence Hall in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA has many, many Masonic connections. It stands on land purchased by Wm. Alllen, Grand Master of PA. The ground was staked by Edmond Wolley, a Mason. Thomas Boude, the brick mason, was the first Secretary of St. John's Lodge of Philadelphia and later Deputy Grand Master. Benjamin Franklin laid the cornerstone while Grand Master (1734) with the assistance of St. John's Lodge. Brother Andrew McNair of Philadelphia rang the bell to call the populace on July 8, 1776, to hear the reading of the Declaration of Independence. The Liberty Bell cracked in 1835 when it tolled the death of Chief Justice John Marshall, Past Grand Master of Virginia. Jean Sibelius (1865-1957) the great composer of 'Finlandia' and other immortal musical works, composed the ritualistic music used by the Grand Lodge of New York and presented it to them in appreciation for the part played by Grand Lodge in establishing Masonry in Finland. He was a member of Suomi Lodge #1, Helsingfors. Masonic emblems appear on the Giuseppe Garibaldi Monument in Rome having been restored after they were removed by Mussolini who substituted Fascist symbols for them. Garibaldi, great Italian liberator, was Grand Master of Italy. Robert Newman, Sexton of Christ Church also known as the "Old North Church" in Boston was the man who hung the lantern to signal 'The Red Coats Are Coming'. Paul Revere then rode through the countryside to warn the colonists of the impending danger. Both were Masons. The present Rector, after arriving at the Church heard the frequent stories of Freemasonry's involvement there. After investigation of the organization, he too became a member! "Oscar of the Waldorf", internationally famous chef was born in Switzerland Oscar Tschirky and was a member of Metropolitan Lodge #273, New York City. The author of "Bambi" and other immortal stories for children was Brother Felix Salten (1869-1945), a member of the Lodge "Zur Warheit" in Vienna, Austria. The United States' Anti-Masonic Party (1827-abt.1834) had as it's first Presidential Candidate a MASON! In 1831, the Anti-Masonic Party nominated William Wirt as their candidate for the presidency at their first national convention which was held in Baltimore, Maryland. Wirt was not only a Freemason, but even defended the Order in a speech before the convention that nominated him. "The first group of the Resistance {during World War II} was founded by five Masons. This body, "Resistance," soon merged with "Liberation." The organization thus formed succeeded in contacting London after ascertaining that there were Masons in the London broadcasting station, the broadcasts of which began with the motto "Liberty, Equality, Fraternity." Brother Roig succeeded in contacting London through Englishmen who escaped. This liaison was effected as the result of the visit of a Canadian aviator. Unfortunately, Brother Roig was arrested, imprisoned at Fresnes, and shot ten weeks later. However, the work was well under way. New Brethren joined the movement and the organization took the name of C.A.M. (Masonic Action Committee. This committee worked air both a patriotic and a Masonic organization. The patriotic section chose for its name "Patriam recuperare" and had a paper, The New Republic. Valuable information on the location of troops and the sites of the ramps from which the V-1 bombs were launched, as well as the memoirs of Paul Reynaud, were sent to London. One Brother succeeded in joining General De Gaulle at Algiers. Information was furnished concerning the German counter-espionage. Work was done towards the organization of a secret army in Paris. Shelter was given to numerous escapees and parachutists." - From the May, 1946 Philalethes Society Magazine Note: Many of the vignettes on this page are taken from the book "Did You Know?" edited by Wes Cook and published by the Missouri Lodge of Research in 1965.
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