"A fool takes no pleasure in
understanding, but only in expressing his opinion." Over the centuries, there have been many 'tales' - some true and some not - about Freemasons and Freemasonry. The small minority which oppose the organization and its members use these 'tales' to persuade others that Freemasonry is an evil organization. These are the "regulars" that one can find in any anti-Mason's 'book of tricks':
We've collected the most common here for you to consider. We'll explain that:
In order to learn more than what's here, though, you may wish to do some reading on your own. We encourage intelligent research and hope that every person will read to find out more about Freemasonry independently of this or any other source. When you do, we believe you'll see Freemasonry for the upstanding institution it is! If you'd like to read some books which Masons read, go here and we'll give you some pointers. It should be remembered, though, that while anti-Masons often take selected (and often partial out-of-context) quotes from individual writers to 'prove their point', no single person can speak for Masonry except a Grand Master - and then only during his term of office and in his own jurisdiction! Additionally, words quoted out of context (particularly when the context is totally contradictory) are more than misleading: they're a LIE! To encourage your Reality Check, we ask you to consider the following:
We could cite numerous other examples but you can decide for yourself - and we hope that Masonic authors, both current and past, will provide you with interesting reading! We'll also add some more "Tall Tales Told As Truth" as time goes on. Please come back! |
This site and its contents are © (copyright) 1998-2014 by Edward L. King (Ed King). All rights reserved. All comments and opinions are mine personally. Got some thoughts or reactions?
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