IfSébastien PERETTI (Narrator)If you have a Masonic website, January 2014 began with a series of spamming
messages from FreeMASON POEMIA or some such. Every address for every grand lodge
was hit, it seems. It was bizarre since most of the addresses on grand lodge
websites are for administrative matters - but then again, there's clearly more
than just a lack of understanding email issues going on here. Unsolicited email,
as we all should know, is prohibited by the CAN-SPAM Act but that clearly
doesn't come into play here. Beyond the illegal and stupid email stuff, where to begin with describing this --- rambling stream of (un)consciousness? First, the electronic book is - believe it or not, only 21 pages long for a price of $7.00 USD. (That includes a half-dozen pages of title, introduction, and contents). Sound like a good offer financially? In his spamming messages, the author (who is listed as "Narrator" on the book listing since this is a fictional novel) writes: The United States of America was made by Freemasons, and the 4th of July is the national day there. The French Republic has its Independence Day on July 14. Perhaps these dates are not chosen by chance, and indeed, the storming of the Bastille took certainly more than one day. Perhaps this is a thing to think about. Yeah, he wrote it in red in the email too! Of course, the United States was not "made by Freemasons" under any stretch of the imagination. Were Masons involved with the creation of the United States? Sure - but there were also a lot of non-Masons too. Are the dates by chance? Well, has anyone successfully shown that the date for declaring independence or storming the Bastille were premeditated to coincide somehow with one another - 10 days apart (as if that's somehow important). Then, writing in purple, he claims: This book is a novel , originally it is a unique but also a universal, contemporary love story at the same time. A life story of intersecting lives of several stories, the history of humanity , and creation, the Kabbalah and Christianity, European history , French and the Isle of Beauty's, the history of the Knights Templar and the Foreign Legion, the origins of Freemason. Truly amazing: all of that in about 16 pages. You've GOT to be impressed.... I know: this review is rambling and strange - but if you think THIS page is, please do go to Amazon and click on the horridly prepared graphic. Read the sample - and tell us if you don't think that this is just plain 'hooey'. Am I totally put off by authors using sledge hammers to hawk questionable products? You bet - but if you think that this work would merit any more than a one star review, we'd love to know why.
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