The Scottish Rite Northern Jurisdiction has setup several Children's Learning Centers which offer free help to children with dyslexia. A great hospital founded in 1915 in Decatur, Georgia with many programs for children in need. The Masonic Service Association runs an active Hospital Volunteer program in VA hospitals and other locations in the US and around the world. The Museum of Our National Heritage is an American history museum founded and supported by 32° Scottish Rite Freemasons in the Northern Masonic Jurisdiction of the United States of America. The George Washington Masonic National Memorial is a beautiful building and well worth a visit. Whether on a national, state/provincial, or local level, Masonic support of educational goals is very strong. Here we'll be listing just a few dozen of the hundreds of Masonic-related scholarship opportunities.
more about them here. See what Job's Daughters, the Isle of Jersey Freemasons, the Canadian Scottish Rite and other organizations are doing.
Lots of lodges are saving local history of their lodge and their local area.
A Masonic home for children and Secret Santa project in Georgia.
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