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"Little things mean a lot": a friendly smile, a warm handclasp, an embrace and a kind word can do as much for those who are lonely and depressed in a hospital or a nursing home as all the medicine that the doctors can prescribe. Particularly for veterans who may be without families, these Hospital Visitors provide a link with the outside world which is critical. The friendships formed and the appreciation of those who are hospitalized, sometimes for life, are a wonderful 'paycheck' for the work done. The Hospital Visitation Program is a vital part of the Fraternity that deserves your attention and needs your immediate help. HERE'S HOW TO GET INVOLVED! If you have time and want to become involved in a program that will give you a feeling of self-satisfaction and pride, knowing you are helping those who cannot help themselves, write to us. This program will help to make your life more meaningful! WRITE TO: The Masonic Service Association or contact them from their web site above. It's a wonderful program!
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