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In 1911, meetings began and in 1922 ground breaking occurred. The Board of Directors decided that the building would be erected without any borrowing and thus construction proceeded only when there were sufficient funds in hand to proceed with the next stage. In 1932, the building was dedicated. The Memorial was the first joint project of all the Masons in the United States and today, over 50,000 visitors arrive each year to learn more about Washington and the fraternity of Freemasons he loved and respected. The George Washington Masonic National Memorial has an informative and
eye-pleasing web site. You can visit it by clicking on the banner below. If you visit
Washington, DC, it's a "must see"! When you're there, be sure to stop
by the library and say hello to two active online Masons: Brothers Paul Bessel
(whose personal website is a treasure-trove of data. Check it out here.) and
Harry Lyons, a Mason I'm VERY happy to have met!
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