"The Book Mainstream Publishers Would Not
Dominic Torr
With a sub-title like the above, you've just GOT to know that
this book is going to leave a LOT to be desired. In 2010, the movement towards
self-published books has grown dramatically and provides certain opportunities
for writers that are not available under the more traditional publishing
schemes. However, there's FAR more abuse in this than there is benefit and the
resulting product of this change almost always falls into the category of
"rubbish". So too, this book!
This is, simply, a complete recitation of every UK-biased
anti-Masonic screed imaginable placed in the wrapper of a spy novel. In the UK,
there seems an ever-present obsession with the Masons running the monarchy, the
diplomatic service, the police and the judiciary. They don't bother themselves
with the likes of Albert Pike but rather, concentrate on how they're all getting
the 'short end of the stick' because they're just not Masons. It's just horrid
how they suffer as a result.
In the self-created
biography on his
vanity publisher's site, we read "Dominic
Torr served in the British Diplomatic Service during the Cold War. He has drawn
on his experiences in several countries when writing his spy stories. Hoodwink
benefits from his work in Germany in the last days of the German Democratic
Republic. Now retired, he and his wife live in France. He continues to work in
international affairs. With grandchildren arriving he is particularly concerned
to help counter political reluctance to act on Climate Change."
And he's also
added: HOODWINK - this tale of how the Russian secret service sought to
exploit Masonic scandals claims to be the first fully researched book of fact or
fiction revealing how Freemasonry actually works as a secret society in our
midst since Stephen Knight’s No 1 best seller The Brotherhood (1984) and Martin
Short’s sequel Inside the Brotherhood (1989). Another description goes
further: "Carefully researched, Hoodwink is a post-Soviet spy yarn that
reveals how Freemasonry is abused and exposes its hold on the most sensitive
areas of our society. Shortly after the collapse of the Soviet Union, the
Russian president discovers he has inherited an ongoing operation to destabilise
the British Establishment by releasing an array of Masonic scandals when
Russia's illegal resident, the urbane Kate Holland (Katya Bezsmertnik),
"defects" to New York. The President orders case-master General Asseyev to abort
the operation, but is thwarted by outmoded technology when he discovers Katya's
love affair with Edmund Rossington Bart., her chief source on Masonic misdoings.
Hoodwink is certain to appeal to all thriller fans and anyone interested in the
workings of Freemasonry. Russia's "illegal residents" have recently been much in
the news, and there's been a dearth of books, fiction or factual, about the
Masons as a secret society in our midst since the 1995 paperback edition of
Martin Short's Inside the Brotherhood."
Of course, he can
'claim' all he wants but as we've shown on this site, "The
Brotherhood" was a joke from the start using so-called 'research' by
repeating the blathering of a complete
The author, whose real name is
John Pedler, had his first book published in 1965. It would
appear that his most recent book prior to this time was in 1969 - although there
might have been other books as memorable as this which are not even locatable on
the web or available for a few cents on EBay.
So now, after a forty year hiatus,
Mr. Pedler/Torr has returned to - what was it he's back here to do? Tell us
about the evils of Freemasonry? Help with Climate Change (with the words
capitalized for effect perhaps - or just an indication of his lack of writing
ability)? (Do Freemasons have
any position on Climate Change? Have they hindered his efforts in any way?)
Perhaps the answer is "Make a Buck {or Euro} Cheap" - and this time around,
nobody will bother to touch a previously published author - which does seem
awfully strange with publishers crying for more cold war spy stuff from those
with a track record. Oh, wait: all the publishing companies are probably owned
by Masons too. Isn't that what Knight and Short asserted also? See? The
Freemasons indeed DO control everything!
We were unable to locate a date of
birth for the concerned Mr. Torr/Pedler but one would of necessity assume that
he is now well into his seventies if not far older. Perhaps some slight has caused
him this angst. Perhaps he's desperate for the attention he never received and
hopes to achieve it by now creating a fictional piece in which all sorts of
high-ranking Russian military and politicians longing for the old Soviet Union
are matched with everyone in the British Monarchy and the US Diplomatic Service
to bring about a "New World Order" run by Freemasonry.... Who knows what his
motive but suffice it to say that his return to writing after four decades is FAR from
heralded - and his "careful research" is nothing more than the usual masonophobia with the British slant,
sure to appeal to those with huge amounts of time on their hands and not wanting
to read something more worthwhile.
Want to waste your money? Click here
and you can get a copy from Amazon. We'd suggest buying one used so you don't
waste too much - as we did <sigh>!

You'll also note on Amazon a critique of my review there
along with glowing praise for the book by another self-styled 'author' of
similar rubbish whose book sales were, apparently, demolished by my critique of
his work. Based on his own writing, it seems quite clear why he'd praise Torr's