Conspiracy Theories, Urban Legends, and Evil Plots of the 21st Century
Richard Roeper
Ah, that I could write like Mr. Roeper: he's captured succinctly my idea of
everything I'd like to write about Masonophobes/anti-Masons. He's crisp, clear
and concise - and MAN, does his prose BITE! Of course, that's ONLY if you agree
with him and the humorless folks who rail against Freemasonry certainly will
not. That's a fact.
Roeper is a columnist for the Chicago
Sun-Times and economy of meaningful descriptions is his stock-in-trade.
Here, he's blended humor with just plain common sense to show how SO many
conspiracy theories just don't stand up in the cold, hard light of day. If
you're willing to suspend your beliefs or maybe, just maybe, accept that the
world is NOT flat, you'll find this book fun reading. If you're convinced,
however, that Masons rule the world and they're are a couple under your bed just
waiting to come out and grab you then you'll have wasted your money.
Try this book: I think you'll like it! It's worth noting that the
reviews on Amazon are reasonably poor - but that's because of the humorless people
who really, really want to believe in space ships and evil Freemasons. Further, trying
to prove a negative isn't the easiest thing in the world. Cruise through
those reviews and you'll see.