Freemasonry - A Celebration of the CraftJohn Hamill & Robert Gilbert, General EditorsIf you've ever longed for a 'coffee table' book to stir interest in Freemasonry (that of your own or of visitors to your home), this is the one! From its gorgeously designed dust cover through the profuse illustrations, it's a work that one can enjoy in nibbles or by feasting voraciously. It's huge illustrations (this is a LARGE book in typical 'coffee table' size) and its enormously informative vignettes make it a work that truly delights all of the senses as well as the intellect. John Hamill is an internationally acknowledged authority on English Freemasonry and is the Librarian/Curator of the Grand Lodge and Museum in London. Robert Gilbert is a well-respected author whose work on A. E. Waite finally made that inscrutable personality more reachable for me. From explanations of homeopathy (and, of course, its connection to Freemasonry) to soaring prose about Masonic idealism, this is a book that you will enjoy browsing through or reading in depth again and again. It's price (new) is on the high side due to its size and richness but there's no doubt that your enjoyment will be even higher: guaranteed! No well-appointed 'Masonic home' should be without this marvelous work. Getting a copy now several years after publication is somewhat difficult but it's worth the effort.
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