American Freemasons
Three Centuries of Building Communities
Mark A. Tabbert
If you're going to buy one
book about Freemasonry in the United States (and before), this is certainly the
one to buy. It's a coffee-table size work and VERY easily read. In fact, you can start and end almost anywhere
- and learn LOTS along the way. It's an
outstanding gift to give a Mason as a present for some special occasion and can
be an excellent way to begin the discussion about Freemasonry
around the coffee table. The dust jacket is visually appealing and it's one of
those books that you'll be happy you bought.
Mason Mark Tabbert's work is one with which
few Masonic scholars will find nits to pick. While not dwelling on the
differences between American and European Freemasonry (particularly that of
non-English speaking countries), this work shows the integral role the
fraternity played in a time when aristocracy was the norm and democracy was a
totally new experiment.
Arising, we suspect, from his work experience
as a Librarian with the Grand Lodge of Masons in Massachusetts and the Scottish
Rite's National Heritage Museum, his research is exceptional. Beyond that,
however, is the remarkable ease with which topics are addressed and the logic
flow of information in the book's organization. Tabbert has taken a very complex
subject, illustrated it with delicious pictures, paintings, sketches, and
photographs, and offered a text that makes a fraternal history and engaging and
approachable subject.
This is truly a book that every Mason should
own and we believe that it should be high on the gift list for those who don't
have it already. We feel badly writing such a brief review but the simple fact is,
this book is SUPERB and there's not much more to say beyond that. Congratulations, Mark: 'you done good!'.
Looking to buy this book? Grab it at your
local bookstore and encourage them to carry more like it. Or you may decide to
buy from Amazon and there's a link for your convenience.