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When one begins looking for examples of anti-Masonry, it seems they're found 'everywhere'. Such, however, is simply not the case. A good example of innocent mistakes can be found when the Saturn Corporation, a subsidiary of General Motors, allowed its advertising agency to get carried away. Saturn has created an image of a very loyal following and has fostered that image by hosting plant visits, etc. An ad in the Saturn consumer magazine, Visions, was announcing the creation of a national Saturn Car Club for Saturn owners. Because the thrust of such a club was to build a strong sense of community among Saturn owners, the ad agency sought a photo of another organization which conveyed a closeness among its members. The photo selected was a turn-of-the-century photograph of Masonic officers but not knowing what it was, the agency labeled it, "Royal and Ancient Order of Old Dudes." A number of Saturn owners were highly offended by the ad and let their objections be known. (Likely had the photo been used without the caption, it would have passed without comment but the caption left much to be desired!) The Saturn advertising team has sent a letter of apology through the Masonic Service Association for those who "found the use of the picture and the surrounding copy offensive." It appears to have been an innocent mistake by some who were uninformed. And so it is that sometimes people will 'take swipes' at Freemasonry without knowing the facts. Read through this site and judge for yourself: use your common sense and see if the claims made by anti-Masons can be true when you look at what Freemasonry really is and does.... Doric Hall, Grand Lodge of Massachusetts, Boston, Mass. USA
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