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"Tell me thy company, and I’ll tell thee what thou
Miguel de Cervantes (1547–1616), Spanish writer.

Listings of those who are (or were during their lifetime)
Masons serves to remind us of the many notables who have - of their own free will - chosen
to associate with this noble institution. Those who preach anti-Masonic hate must - in the
depth of their souls - wonder how it is that so many have been (supposedly) deceived -
while they have found the 'truth'....
In a seeming 'sour grapes' fashion, some will
argue that all of these men have been deceived (a pretty remarkable feat for
those of such stature) while others will contend they are/were part of a New World
Order conspiracy. What is not arguable is that they represent all walks
of life and that they were - in their respective ways - LEADERS! |

MacArthur, General
Douglas - A former US Chief of Staff, he commanded the Allied
Forces in the South Pacific during World War II. He promised the Filipino people
"I shall return" to save them from the occupying Japanese Forces. He
was ultimately removed from military leadership by another Mason, President
Harry S. Truman.
MacDonald, Sir John A. - The first Prime Minister of the
Dominion of Canada (1867-1873 and 1878-1891 when he died in office). Began the
creation of rail service across Canada.
MacLean, John B. - Founder of MacLeans Magazine.
Macquarie, Lauchlan - Major General and the first governor in
Chief of New South Wales. During his twelve years in office he raised NSW
from a prison camp to a thriving colony.
Majors, Alexander - One of the three founders of the
short-lived but famed Pony Express in the United States, each rider was required
to take an oath to clean living and honesty. Its inspiration is immediately
familiar to Masons. "You will raise your arm to a level square and repeat after
me:...." Those participating in the annual reenactment are required to take a
nearly identical oath today. A great source of Pony Express information is
Macy, Rowland Hussey - Owner of a small dry goods store in
Haverhill, Massachusetts, he was the founder of R. H. Macy & Company, New
York City.
Malmskog, William - First amputee firefighter in California
history. Read his story here.
Marsh, Daniel L. - (1880-1968) Clergyman and Educator.
President of Boston University, 1925-1952; Chancellor of Boston University,
1951-1968; Doctorates from many colleges and universities but was a
down-to-earth and friendly person. On a personal note, at the behest of his
son-in-law, a Methodist Minister, he met with this site's author who was then a
high school senior and encouraged him to attend college, personally approving
his admission to BU! The huge dome of Marsh Chapel named in his honor
dominates the campus of Boston University on Commonwealth Avenue in Boston.
Marsh, Henry - First Black Mayor of Richmond, Virginia
Marshall, George C. - American soldier, diplomat and
politician. He served as Secretary of State from 1947-1949 and organized the
European Recovery Plan most often referred to as the "Marshall Plan"
for which he received the 1953 Nobel Peace Prize.
Marshall, James W. - Discovered Gold at Sutter's Mill California 1848
Marshall, John - A former Grand Master of his Grand Lodge (Virginia),
he servied as Chief Justice U.S. Supreme Court 1801 - 1835 and firmly established the
judiciary branch of US government.
Marshall, Peter - Presbyterian pastor of churches in Georgia
& Washington, DC, Chaplain of the US Senate and author of such books as 'Mr.
Jones, Meet the Master'. His biography is entitled "A Man Called
Marshall, Thomas R. - 22nd Vice President of the United States.
Marshall, Thurgood - The first Black to be appointed to
the Supreme Court of the United States
Mason, William Castein - A physician who practiced both
medicine and Masonry actively in his native city of Bangor, Maine from the date
of his graduation from Harvard University to the day he laid down his working
tools. The statement is literally true for within 48 hours of his passing, he
performed an extremely difficult operation of which 30 years before he was one of
the founders. Named in his honor is the main auditorium of Maine's second largest hospital
where he practiced all his life. (Mason Auditorium at Eastern Maine
Medical Center.)
Massey, Hart - Massey-Ferguson farm equipment
Mathews, Stanley - US Supreme Court Justice
Mayer, Louis B. - Film producer who merged to form Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer (MGM)
David S. "Doc"
- Pioneer settler doctor who named the city of Seattle, Washington. He helped
create the Washington Territory.
Mayo, Dr. Charles - One of the brothers who began the world-famous Mayo Clinic,
recognized as the first 'medical group practice' in the United States.
Maytag, Fredrick - Headed the company which produced farm
equipment, the now little-known Maytag car and the first washing machine capable of being
operated by an outside power source.
McCall, Abner V.
President, Chancellor and President-Emeritus of Baylor University
in Texas, he also served as the First Vice President of the Southern Baptist
Convention (1979-80) and a long-time leader of the Organization of Baptist
Colleges and Universities. He wrote "In thousands of meetings of Freemasons
and of Baptists stretching back 60 years, I have seen nothing that made my
belief and work in the Fraternity of Freemasons incompatible with my belief and
work as a member of a Southern Baptist church."
McCarthy, Glenn H. - Famous Houston oilman, known as "king of
the wildcatters"; built the Shamrock Hotel and was the basis for the character of
Jett Rink played by James Dean in the 1956 film "Giant"."
McCown, John - Confederate General who died while attending his
lodge meeting in Little Rock, Arkansas
McCoy, Clyde L. - Inventor of the 'wah-wah- trumpet and talented
musical arranger.
McHenry, James - Was a surgeon in the American Revolution and private
secretary to Generals Washington and Lafayette. Fort McHenry, Maryland,
of "Star Spangled Banner" fame was named after this U.S. Secretary of War.
McKenzie, Dr. Parker Paul - A Kiowa Indian, he created an alphabet and
recorded the words, grammar and syntax to provide a written language for Kiowa. At the
time of his death in 1999, he was the oldest living Kiowa.
McKinley, William - The 25th President of the United States
(1897-1901). His presidency was marked by the Spanish-American War (1898), the annexation
of Cuba and the Philippines, an open-door policy with China, and the passage of the Gold
Standard Act (1900). He was assassinated by an anarchist in Buffalo, New York.
Mclellan, Archibald - Editor-in-Chief , The Christian Science
McLemore, Richard A. - President of Mississippi College in
Clinton, Mississippi.
Melchior, Lauritz - One of the world's foremost Wagnerian
Mellon, Andrew - Financier, public official, philanthropist; He
helped found the Union Trust Company of Pittsburgh (1898), the Gulf Oil Corporation
(1895), the Pittsburgh Coal Company (1899), the Aluminum Company of America, and the
company that built the Panama Canal locks. He served as Secretary of the Treasury under
three presidents and stressed policies aimed at reducing the national debt. He forged
agreements with European governments for repayment of their World War I debts and served
as ambassador to Britain (1932--33). In 1913 he established the Mellon Institute for
Industrial Research and he endowed the National Gallery of Art (1937).
Mellos, Nicholas - Senior Chief Petty Officer, US Navy. He was
the senior enlisted person on the P3 airplane which was rammed by a Chinese jet
and forced to land in China in 2001. In addition to being awarded the Air Medal,
Senior Chief Mellos was one of only two crew members awarded the Meritorious
Service Medal for his bravery and leadership during their captivity. (The
other MSM went to the aircraft's Commanding Officer.) Bravo Zulu,
Senior Chief - from another Senior Chief/Mason!
Menninger, Dr. Karl A. - Psychiatrist famous for treating mental
illness and headed the Menninger Foundation until his death in 1990.
Menninger, Dr. William - Psychiatrist with the Menninger Clinic,
Topeka, Kansas. Was active with the Boy Scout movement and in 1934 wrote the
"Skipper's Handbook" for Sea Scout Leaders.
Mercherle, George Jacob - Founder of State Farm Insurance
Mesmer, Franz Anton - practiced Mesmerism, the precursor of
hypnosis in modern psychotherapy.
Mfume, Kweisi - U. S. Congressman and President and CEO of the
Michelson, Albert Abraham - Successfully measured the speed of
light in 1882. For this and other pioneering work in optical
instrumentation, he became the first American scientist to win a Nobel Prize (1907).
Minton, Sherman - US Senator and Supreme Court Justice
from 1949-1956.
Mitchell, Edgar D. - US Astronaut who flew on the Apollo 14
Mix, Tom - Champion rodeo rider, soldier and cowboy, he stared in
over 400 western films
Mokranjac, Stevan - Serbian composer (1856-1914)
Molson, John - Founder of Molson Breweries.
Monroe, James - The fifth President of the United States
(1817-1825), whose administration was marked by the acquisition of Florida (1819), the
Missouri Compromise (1820), in which Missouri was declared a slave state, and the
profession of the Monroe Doctrine (1823), which declared U.S. opposition to European
interference in the Americas.
Montgolfier, Jacques Etienne - Co-developer with his brother of
the first practical hot-air balloon.
Montgomery, Richard - First general officer of the (US)
Continental Army to be killed in battle (in the attack on the British fort at
Quebec City).
Moody, William H. - Supreme Court Justice
Moore, David - Well known Baptist pastor in Southeastern New
Mexico until his death in 1992 at the age of 103.
Morris, Rob -
Lawyer, educator, 'Poet Laureate of Masonry', and founder of the Order of the
Eastern Star.
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus - (1756-1791) Austrian composer
considered among the greatest and most prolific composers in history. Of his more than 600
compositions, the finest works, including his last three symphonies (1788) and the operas Don
Giovanni (1787)and The Magic Flute (1791), were written in the last five years
of his short life.
Murphy, Audie - Most decorated American Soldier of WWII, he also achieved fame as an actor
in movies (Westerns). An autobiographical movie was made of his heroic combat exploits.
He was active and interested in Freemasonry as
this page
on this excellent website about his life explains.
Murrow, Joseph Samuel - Southern Baptist Home Missionary and the
'Founder of Freemasonry in Oklahoma', he is said to have established more than 100

Freemasonry regards no man for his worldly wealth or
honors. All Masons meet together as equals and put aside their power and position in order
to gather in harmony. |
Naismith, James - Canadian-born American sports
educator who invented the game of basketball.
Navikov, Nikolay - Russian journalist who debated with Tzarina
Ekaterina the Great and a publisher who published more books than ever before in
Neilsen, Neils F. F. Jr. - For decades, Brother Neilsen fought
to preserve the 'Old Man of the Mountain', the state symbol of New Hampshire.
This huge granite formation is emblazoned on articles throughout New Hampshire.
He was honored by being named 'Caretaker-Emeritus' of the monument.
Sadly, in 2003 despite the many years and untold hours of labor to ensure that
the elements would not destroy the monument, the 'Old Man' after standing in
place for untold millennia, collapsed and broke apart.
Nelson, Samuel - Supreme Court Justice
New, Harry S. - Postmaster General of the United States who
established Airmail
Newman, Robert - Revolutionary War Patriot. He was the Sexton
of Christ Church (Old North), Boston, when lanterns were hung for Paul Revere.
He served as Grand Tyler for the Grand Lodge of Massachusetts.
Newton, Joseph Fort - Christian Minister and Masonic Author
Newton, Louie D. - President of the Southern Baptist Convention;
Vice President of the Baptist World Alliance; served 27 years on the SBC Executive
Nicholas, Samuel - First American Marine Corps officer, he was
also considered the first Commandant of the Marines. He owned the Tun Tavern
which the Corps considers their birthplace and which was also the meeting place
of the first lodge in Pennsylvania.
Nicholson, Samuel -
American Navy and first Commander of the famous frigate, U.S.S.
Nickerson, LtGen Herman Jr., USMC -
Former Commanding General, Marine Corps Base, Camp Lejeune,
North Carolina and Commander
of I-Corps theater of operations in Vietnam
Nunn, Sam - Respected former U.S. Senator from Georgia. For seven years, he
Chaired the Armed Services Committee.
Pressley Neville - As a U.S. Marine Lieutenant and Mason, he placed
the first 'Stars & Stripes' on foreign soil in defense of US national
interests. His heroic achievement was the basis for the line in the Marine Corps
hymn, "...to the shores of Tripoli."
O'Higgins, Bernardo - the Liberator of Chile.
Educated in England but returned to his country to lead them in their fight for
independence from Spain.
Olds, Ransom E. - American automobile inventor and manufacturer. Founded
the Olds Motor Company which produced the Oldsmobile.
Oppenheimer, David - Mayor of Vancouver who had the foresight to preserve
and enormous tract of land for use as a park, dedicated to Lord Stanley, yet another Freemason.
Otis, James - American Revolutionary politician and publicist.
Famous for "Taxation without Representation is Tyranny"
Paisley, Brad - Top U.S. country singer and
songwriter. Here's his
Palmer, Arnold - Golf Professional who for years
set the example to make golf a 'gentlemen's' sport
Papst, Charles F. - Coined the term "Athletes Foot"
Paterson, David -
In 2002, he was elected minority leader
of the New York State Senate, the first non-white legislative leader in New
York’s history. In 2004 in Boston, he became the first visually impaired person
to address a Democratic National Convention. And 2006 saw Mr. Paterson make
history again by being elected New York’s first African-American lieutenant
governor.With the resignation
of the Governor, Bro. Paterson became Governor of New York in March, 2008.
Peale, Rev. Norman Vincent - American cleric, founder of
"Guidepost", and known for his famous book, "The Power of Positive
Peary, Admiral Robert E. - First man to reach the North Pole
This website page was stolen
from www.masonicinfo.com
Penney, J. (James) C. - US retailer who donated large amounts of money
to charity
Pepper, Claude - US Senator from Florida, he was
an active supporter of rights for senior citizens and when he died in 1989 he was
the oldest man ever to serve in Congress.
Perham, Joe -
Legendary Maine humorist, Joe is a storyteller, speaker, writer and actor. He's
also a Past Master of his lodge in Maine. A great act if you can get to see his
Perkins, Jacob - Early American Engraver and Engineer;
emigrated to England in 1819 and established the bank note firm of Perkins,
Fairman and Heath; this firm produced the first British postage stamps,
including the famous "Penny Black".
Perry, Matthew - American Naval hero, he commanded one of the
first steam ships and made a famous expedition to the Far East opening it for
Pershing, John Joseph - ("Black Jack") American Army
General who led the American Expeditionary Forces in Europe during World War I. In 1921,
he was given the rank of General of the Armies, a rank only conferred once.
Pickett, General George E. - One of the
three Confederate generals who attacked the Union
lines at
the US Civil War Battle of Gettysburg,
the famous 'Pickett's Charge' is named after him.
Pike, Albert -
Pioneer, explorer, Confederate General, he re-wrote the rituals of the US
Southern Jurisdiction of the Scottish Rite Bodies. Read more about him here.
Pike, Zebulon M. - Discovered the great peak that bears his name.
He was killed in action at Toronto during the War of 1812. (Note: there is some
controversy about whether the Freemason was Zebulon Pike or his son.)
Pinchot, Bronson - Popular American actor, well-known for his
"Balki Bartokamous" character in the television series 'Perfect Strangers' which
ran from 1986-1993. He also starred in a mini-series
of Stephen King's 'The Langoliers' as the murderous Toomey and continues to accumulate film credits
and plaudits.
Became a Mason in Harford Lodge #445, Pennsylvania in December, 2002.
Pitney, Mahlon - US Congressman and later Supreme Court Justice
Poinsett, Joel R. - First U.S. Ambassador to Mexico and an amateur
botanist who developed the flower: Poinsettia.
Polk, James Knox - Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives,
Governor of Tennessee and eleventh President of the U.S.
Pound, Roscoe - Dean, Harvard University School of Law;
President International Academy of Comparative Law. He served as a Deputy Grand
Master of the Grand Lodge of Massachusetts and was considered an outstanding
authority on Masonic jurisprudence. A charter member of 'The Harvard Lodge'.
Preble, Edward -
Commander of USS Constitution and US Navy hero, he was one of the first five
commissioned Lieutenants at the creation of the US Navy. At the commissioning of
a new warship named in his honor, the ship's Commanding Officer and members of
the crew as well as the Grand Lodges of Maine and Massachusetts laid a wreath at
his grave in Portland, Maine.
Potter, Henry Codman
- Anglican Bishop of New York 1887-1908.
Pullman, George - Inventor and businessman, he built first
sleeping car on train which became a standard throughout the world.
Purdy, George I. - One of the most well-respected businessmen
in post-WWII Japan. His autobiography - A Summer for a Lifetime - is one
which should be read by Masons and non-Masons alike and talks at length about
the importance of Freemasonry in his life. You can buy it at www.goanchor.com.
Read the reviews here.
Pushkin, Aleksandr Sergeyvich - Famous Russian poet and author
who, among other works, wrote "Boris Godunov".
Putnam, Israel - One of four Major Generals at the start of the
Revolutionary War, he was the only one to serve throughout. He is remembered for
his order to his troops at the Battle of Bunker Hill: "Don't fire until you
see the whites of their eyes." His son joined Freemasonry as well.
Putnam, Rufus - American Revolutionary War General, 'Father of the
Northwest Territory' and First Grand Master of Masons in Ohio.
Quezon, Manuel L. - First President of the Philippine Senate, first
Commonwealth of the Philippines and first Grand Master of Philippine
Quitman, John Anthony - Legislator, Governor or
Mississippi and US Congressman, he served as Grand Master of Masons

"Isn't a Mason bound to answer truthfully when asked
if they're a Mason?" a recent online poster asked? The answer is: no more than
a person when asked if they're a member of the Anglican Church or the National Rifle
Association. However, except for those parts of the world where persecution would subject
a member or his family to potential harm, most Masons are proud to have others know of
their involvement - as this list attests!
Rangel, Charles -
U.S. Democratic Congressman from New York
Raín, Dr. Alois - Resistance fighter and
Czech Republic economist. The first act of Czech law is in his handwriting. In 1923,
Raín was to become the first Czechoslovak victim of communist terror.
Reed, Stanley F. - US Supreme Court Justice (1938-1957)
John Good "Long John"
- Professional US baseball player for Cincinnati 1880-1891.
Revere, Paul - American silversmith, engraver and Revolutionary
hero who on April 18, 1775 made his famous ride to warn "The British are
coming!" as celebrated in a poem by Longfellow. Revere was a Grand Master of the
Grand Lodge of Massachusetts.
Rhodes, Elisha Hunt - If you saw filmmaker Ken Burns' epic
production 'The Civil War', you are surely familiar with this name!
Brother Rhodes diary was one of the chief sources quoted throughout and in it,
he speaks of an incident at Gettysburg where he witnessed Union soldiers
retrieve the body of a 'Rebel' and give it a proper burial because they had
determined that he was a brother Mason. Rhodes states that he did not understand
these actions but within a year he joined the fraternity while on leave in Rhode
Island and in 1892-1893 was Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Rhode Island.
Richards, Michael - The talented actor most popularly
known as "Kramer" from the Seinfeld television series.
In November, 2006, he exploded in a racist rant that has received unfavorable
publicity around the world. See our comments on that
Richardson, Elliott - Decorated soldier (Bronze Star & 2
Purple Hearts), he held many top governmental posts. As Attorney General
of the United States, he resigned in what became known as the 'Saturday Night
Massacre' rather than carry out President Richard Nixon's orders to fire
Watergate Special Prosecutor Archibald Cox who had been investigating White
House wrongdoings.
Richardson, Kermit - Master, The National Grange
Richet, Charles Robert - French physician, physiologist and
metaphysician, he was the co-discoverer of the medical phenomenon which he named
anaphylaxis and in 1913 received the Nobel Prize for physiology.
Rickenbacker, Eddie - American aviator who was the most decorated
combat pilot of World War I and later became president of Eastern Airlines.
Rickey, Branch - US baseball executive most remembered as the
General Manager of the Brooklyn Dodgers, he created the
'farm system' for developing players and he hired Jackie Robinson to break the
'color line' in baseball.
Ridgeway, General Matthew B. - US Army Chief of Staff.
Ringling Brothers - All 7 of these famous Circus brothers and
their father were Masons.
Rizal, José - "The George Washington of the
Philippines" who was a patriot, poet, novelist, physician, and active Mason. Today
one finds monuments to Rizal nearly everywhere in the Republic of the Philippines.
Robinson, "Sugar Ray" - American prizefighter and six
time world champion (once as a welterweight and five times as a middleweight)
Roemer, Buddy (Charles E.) - Louisiana Governor 1988-1992.
Rogers, Roy
(Leonard Franklin Slye) - "King of the Cowboys". American singer and actor who played a singing
cowboy in motion picture Westerns. Always wearing the white hat, Rogers played the hero
who never killed his opponent but rather would shoot him in the hand to wound him.
On his grave is proudly displayed the Cross of his faith and his 33rd Degree
Masonic emblem.
Rogers, Will - Actor and beloved Humorist; noted for his wry, homespun
commentary on society and politics.
Roman, Charles Lightfoot - Canadian physician, one of the first in
the field of industrial medicine, served as Grand Master of the Grand Lodge in Canada and
apparently was the first African American to head a 'mainstream' Grand Lodge in North
America (1952).
Roosevelt, Franklin D. - Governor of New York and 32nd President of the
United States, he was the only US president to be reelected
four times. He brought his
country out of the Great Depression, guided them through World War II and died in office.
He was succeeded by another Mason, Harry S. Truman.
Roosevelt, Theodore - Hero of the Spanish-American War, Governor
of New York, Vice President and when President (and Mason) William McKinley was
assassinated, he became the 26th President of the United States. Winner of the Nobel peace
Root, Joseph Cullen - "Giant of American Fraternalism"
Responsible for the establishment of Modern Woodmen of America and other Woodmen groups.
Ross, Edmund G. - United States Senator who cast the one impartial
vote of "Not Guilty" thus saving President (and Brother) Andrew Johnson from impeachment and
preserving the American system of Constitutional government.
Rudolph, Donald E. Sr. -
US Medal of Honor recipient - the highest award for military
valor given by the United States - for heroic action during action in the
Philippines during World War II. He was a member of Minnesota Chapter #25
National Sojourners until his death in May, 2006.
Rusk, John W. - Gained national prominence as "Uncle
Sam", he was a regular fixture in any event involving the Nation's Capitol
in his striped pants, top hat and stilts.
Russell, Richard B. - US Senator and member of the "Warren Commission" investigating
the assassination of President Kennedy.
Rutledge, Wiley B. - Supreme Court Justice (1943-1949).
"How does
somebody know if a person is a Mason or not?". The answer
is simple: because
they're proud to say that they are - and since Masonry is not a "secret
organization" as some would have you believe, then it's pretty easy!
The exception would be in those places where totalitarian, repressive
government restricts the human rights of freedom. To admit that one is a
freedom in such circumstances could result in death.
Salten, Felix- Creator of Bambi
Saltonstall, Leverett - Three term Governor of Massachusetts and US Senator for 21
Colonel Harland
- Fried chicken magnate, his Kentucky Fried Chicken outlets are found world-wide.
He perfected his Original Recipe® of 11 secret herbs and spices in 1939. When
he died in 1980, his body laid in state in the Rotunda of the Kentucky State
Sarnoff, David - Russian-born American broadcasting executive, he
started as an office worker with Marconi Wireless Telegraph Company, which was later
absorbed by the Radio Corporation of America. Rising to the top ranks of RCA, he organized
the National Broadcasting Company, the first permanent broadcasting network, as part of
Savalas, Telly - Actor who became famous as the bald police detective
who was strong on the outside but gentle inside - and always had a lollypop in his mouth. His brother
was an actor also.
Joseph Drayton "JD"
- Methodist Layman, Adjutant General of the Confederate Army, US Congressman and Governor of Texas
Schaefer, Julius Earl - Founded the company which later became Boeing's Wichita
plant and oversaw production of large volumes of aircraft during World War II
Ray (Raymond William)
- During an 18-year career as a catcher, primarily with the Chicago
White Sox, he established many league records for fielding. Nicknamed "Cracker,"
he was an honest member of the "Black Sox" club that conspired to lose the 1919
World Series. In 1955 he was elected to baseball's Hall of Fame
- Part of the best-known two-man vaudville singing team of Van and Schenck
Schmidt, Milton C. "Milt" - Professional Hockey
Player; awarded the national Hockey League's highest award "The Hart Trophy
- Most Valuable Player" 1951.
Schirra, Walter M. - Made a "Mason at Sight" by the
Grand Master of Masons of Florida, he carried several Masonic items with him on his Apollo
7 flight and was the command pilot on the history-making Gemini 6 flight which made a
rendezvous with the already orbiting Gemini 7 spacecraft, the first rendezvous of
two manned, maneuverable spacecraft.
George J.
- Chicago business magnate This website
page was stolen from www.masonicinfo.com
Schmuck, Elmer N. - Episcopal priest, he served as Protestant
Episcopal Bishop of Wyoming from 1929 until his death in 1936.
Schoonover, George - Founder of "The Builder".
Schumer, Charles E. - Senior U.S.
Senator from the State of New York, he'd previously served 18 years in the US
House of Representatives
Scott, Sir Walter - Novelist and poet, his journal is an important
record of the times in which he lived.
Sciubba, Elvio -
Chief Controller, Italian Treasury Department.
- American film actor. Seen in 'Joan of Arc' (1948) and Donovan's Reef
Sellers, Peter - English actor and comedian, his popularity was
unrivalled as the incompetent Inspector Clouseau in a series of films that began with The
Pink Panther (1963) and extended beyond his death to The Trail of the Pink Panther (1982).
He received an Oscar nomination for 'Being There' (1980).
Service, Robert W. - Canadian poet among whose works are "The Cremation of
Sam McGee"
Sexson, William Mark - Ordained Minister and, in 1922, founded
the Order of Rainbow for Girls
Sheffield, James E. - First Black Circuit
Court Judge appointed in the City of Richmond, Virginia
Sibelius, Jean - Finnish composer whose symphonic poems reflect a romantic
and intensely nationalistic approach to music. One of his most famous pieces is the tone
poem, Finlandia (1899). Brother Sibelius composed a whole ritual music
covering all degree work in Craft Lodges (Opus 113, Musique Religieuse) and is
the only complete ritual music for organs and vocalist.
Simcoe, John Graves - Hero of the Revolutionary War, Founder of
Ontario and Lieutenant Governor of Upper Canada, Canadians annually celebrate
Simcoe Day in August.
Simmons, Robert - U. S. House of Representatives
2000. Formerly Connecticut State Representative.
- Prolific American film actor, he had a long career spanning from 1914
to 1959. 'Beloved by all who knew him'.
Sitter, Carl L. - U. S. Congressional Medal of Honor winner, he
was a Marine Corps Company Commander at the Battle of Chosin Reservoir at
Hagaru-ri during the Korean War. At the time of his death, he was
attending Virginia Theological Seminary and Presbyterian School of Education and
was scheduled to receive his Master of Divinity Degree a month later.
"Good Night and
May God Bless"
Brother Red will be remembered countless
decades hence for his hilarious family comedy. When others used obscenities
to get a 'cheap laugh', he kept high standards and refused to follow. He was
always 'the clown' - including with the Shrine. He was also
an accomplished artist and painter. His
clown paintings are exceptional pieces of art which
command high prices. His memorable "Pledge of
Allegiance" talk can be found
here. |
Smith, Joseph -
Founder of the Mormon Church. We have a page about Mormonism and Freemasonry here.
Smith, John Stafford - Composer, and musical
scholar, born in England. He wrote vocal music, and the tune of "The Star-spangled
Banner', the US National Anthem.
Soboleff, Walter A., Rev. - Tlinglit American Indian,
Presbyterian Minister, spiritual, business and community leader in Juneau,
Sousa, John Philip - U.S. Marine Band leader from 1880 - 1892, he
wrote numerous marches including the US's 'national march', "The Stars and Stripes
Spanos, Alex G. - Owner of the San Diego Chargers professional football
team and founder of 10 companies that bear his name, Bro. Spanos is one of the US's greatest businessmen.
Spruill, Lionell - Presently a Member of the
Virginia House of Delegates. Served as Grand Master for the Most Worshipful
Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Virginia 1994-1996.
Stanford, (Amasa) Leland - Railroad builder and government
official; he became governor of California (1861--63) and a founder and president of the
Central Pacific Railroad (1863--93). If
you are not reading this material at masonicinfo.com then it has been stolen in
violation of copyright laws. He made a fortune, and, with his wife, founded and
endowed Leland Stanford, Jr., University (1885) in memory of their only son (who died in
1884 at age 15). He drove the gold spike linking the US continent's railroad
Stafford, Robert T. -
United States Senator from Vermont, he never lost an election
in a career that spanned 41 years and touched every rung in the political ladder
in Vermont, a feat not matched since. His contribution to education while in the
Senate resulted in the Stafford Loan program which bears his name.
Stanley, Sir Frederick Arthur - A keen sportsman, he originated the
Stanley Cup to encourage winter sports in Canada. Today, it is the most
important award in professional hockey given to the team winning the National
Hockey League championship.
Stassen, Harold E. -
Governor of Minnesota (the youngest governor ever elected at
the time), he held many positions in government including service in
Eisenhower's cabinet.
Stennis, John -
United States Senator from Mississippi from 1947 to 1988. He was replaced in
this office by another Mason, Trent Lott.
Stephens, William D. - Mayor of Los Angeles, Congressman and
Governor of California 1917-1927.
Stewart, Potter - Supreme Court Associate Justice (1959-1981)
Still, Andrew T. - American physician who devised treatment of
- American motion picture actor of the 1920s, 30s, and 40s.
Stotz, Carl E. - One of the three founder of Little League Baseball,
it has has grown into the world's largest organized youth
Stout, Herald - Rear Admiral & World War II hero, in 1993 a guided missile
destroyer was named in his honor (USS Stout - DDG-55).
Stratton, Charles - 'General Tom Thumb' - American
entertainer and circus performer, he reached 3 feet 4 inches in height at
Stimson, Mark - Self-taught real estate agent, he
created the largest network of real estate companies in the state of Maine.
Stutz, Harry C. - President, Stutz Motor Car Company.
de Sucre, Antonio Jose y Alcala - Served as a General under
Brother Simon Bolivar in Peru, he became the secpmd President of Bolivia in 1825 and was
named President for life. He resigned three years later and while traveling to Ecuador to
be installed President of that country, was assassinated. Well known for his
efforts in the liberation of Ecuador, Peru and Bolivia.
Sumarkov, Alexandr Petrovich - Russian dramatist and poet. Though
largely based on contemporary French models, his plays mark the emergence of Russian
Swayne, Noah H. - Supreme Court Justice
Swift, Johathan - Clergyman and satirist, he wrote Gulliver's
Carl "Alfalfa"
- Child actor star of the "Little
Rascals" series
Symington, Stuart - First Secretary of the U.S. Air Force, he was
approved for nomination for high office by the Senate six times without a dissenting vote.
He later served as Senator from Missouri.

Taft, William Howard - Civil governor of the
Philippines, Secretary of War, Chief Justice of the US Supreme Court and twenty-seventh
President of the U.S.
Tea, Richard - Civil War hero and Medal of Honor winner. So conspicuous
was his record as a soldier during that War that he was accorded the distinction by Congress of
being permitted to enter either the Senate Chambers or the floor of the House and enjoy any
privilege of either. He was a long time member and Past Master of Aztlan Lodge #1, Prescott,
Teets, John W. - Chairman and President of Dial Corporation
Temple, Lewis - Noted Black Abolitionist whose basement served
as a way station on the 'Underground Railroad'.
Thayer, Sylvanus - Father of the U. S. Military Academy at West
Thomas, Danny - Entertainer / Founder of St. Jude's Children's
Hospital. Mr. Thomas often told the story of how physicians at his hospital explained to
him the need for a very unique therapy for a patient at St. Jude's which was only
available at a Shrine Hospital. Mr. Thomas told the doctors to proceed with the treatment,
regardless of the cost. When he was advised that there would be no cost,
Mr. Thomas was shocked and vowed to find out more about this organization. Shortly
thereafter, he petitioned and became a Mason. Prior to his death, he was featured in
videos and wrote articles praising the good works of Freemasonry.
Thomas, Dave - Founder of the very popular Wendy's Restaurants,
publicly he was the grandfatherly star of commercials. Both privately and
publicly, however, he did extensive work promoting the cause of orphans,
something he had been in his own youth. The hamburgers at Wendy's are square as
a reminder of Dave's motto: "Never cut corners." Dave was active in
the Scottish Rite Philanthropies including their Children's Hospital program.
His mentor in the restaurant business was another Mason, Col. Harland Sanders of
Kentucky Fried Chicken fame.
Thomas, George Henry -
US Civil War Major General, he was known as "the Rock of
Chickamauga" but has been given short shrift by history. He was profiled in the
March, 2007 issue of the Smithsonian's Magazine.
Thomas, Isaiah - Firebrand of the American Revolution and
founder of the American Antiquarian Society, he
served as Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Massachusetts.
Thomas, Lowell - American radio commentator during both World Wars
and broadcast a nightly news program for over 45 years (1930-1976). He wrote and lectured
widely on his travel adventures and brought Lawrence of Arabia to public notice.
Thorvaldsen, Bertel - Noted Danish sculptor
J. M. - Mayor
of Dallas, Texas 1879-1880.
Thurmond, Strom - The longest-serving United States Senator
Thurston, Howard - Top magician in the U.S. from 1908 until his
death in 1936
Tillis, Mel (Lonnie Melvin) - Country and Western
performer of renown. Coins tossed into the fountain of the Mel Tillis Theatre
in Branson, Missouri are divided equally between the Scottish Rite's Childhood
Language Disorders Program and the Shrine's Hospitals. Bro. Tillis is also an
aspiring painter and has created a wonderful piece with a Masonic theme. You can
read about it (and find ordering information for your own copy) here.
Todd, Thomas - Supreme Court Justice (1807-1826)
Tompkins, Daniel D. -
Vice President of the United States, his bust is in the Senate wing of the U.S.
Trachtenberg, Stephen J. - President, The George Washington
University, Washington, D.C.
Travis, Colonel William B. - American military leader who
commanded the Texans who died in defense of the Alamo.
Trimble, Robert - Supreme Court Justice
Truett, George W. - Pastor of the First Baptist Church, Dallas
(1897-1944); President of the Southern Baptist Convention; President of the Baptist World
Truman, Harry S. - A U. S. Senator from Missouri (1935-45), his
personal integrity helped him get reelected in 1940 despite the exposure of the Missouri
machine's corruption. He came to national attention heading what was called the Truman
Committee, which investigated government wartime production and saved taxpayers millions
of dollars. He became vice-president in 1944. Truman became the thirty-third President of
the United States with the death of President Franklin D. Roosevelt, another Mason; he
would go on to win a close election in 1948. He served as Grand Master of Masons
- the highest position in Freemasonry - in Missouri 1940-1941. When he visited
lodges all over the country, he preferred to be introduced as a Past Grand
Master rather than as President.
Hollen, J. B. - Attorney General of Wisconsin &
Grand Master of Masons in Wisconsin (2007)
Vinson, Frederick
M. - American Jurist who served as Chief Justice of the Supreme
Court from 1946-1953.
Voltaire -
François-Marie Arouet
- French Enlightenment essayist and philosopher. A Mason for less than two
months, however. More about him
Wadlow, Robert Pershing
- Tallest human on record
being almost 9 feet tall, Wadlow was proud of his early acceptance by DeMolay and from his
activities there, determined to be a Mason also. Looked at by many as a 'freak', DeMolay
and Masonry helped Wadlow maintain a sense of normalcy for which he and his parents
were extremely grateful. The US's Public Broadcasting System has produced a
documentary which
places great emphasis on Brother Wadlow's Masonic affiliations and includes many
pictures of him as a DeMolay officer.
Wagner, John Honus
- "The Flying Dutchman",
he is considered the greatest shortstop in the history of baseball.
- Hollywood cinematographer. 'The Postman Always Rings Twice' (1946) was among
the many films he photographed.
Wainwright, Jonathan M. - US Army General and the hero of Battan.
Wallace, Governor George C. - Alabama governor and US Presidential Candidate who was
nearly assassinated and spent his remaining years in a wheel chair and in
constant pain.
(Masonicinfo Note: Anti-Masons enjoy pointing to
George Wallace as a representation of racial discrimination, ignoring the great
majority of the population of non-Masons who also espoused such positions at the time, including perhaps even their own
relatives - both then and now! They also overlook the change in his later years
and the fact that those whom he stood against were to later praise his humanity and
recognize his change in heart.)
Walker, Charlie - Country music singer and legendary member of the
Grand Ole Opry
Walkes, Jr., Joseph A. - Author of numerous
publications particularly involving Prince Hall Freemasonry and founder of the Phylaxis (Prince Hall Masonic research)
Wallace, Henry A. -
Vice President of the United States, 1941-1945. Author of
many books on both agriculture and politics including 'Statesmanship & Religion'
and 'Whose Constitution'.
Wallace, Lewis (Lew) - American military leader and writer. During the
American Civil War, he served in the Union army and reached the rank of Major General. At
the close of the War, he was a member of the court that tried those accused of conspiring
to assassinate President Abraham Lincoln. His novel, "Ben Hur: A Tale of the
Christ" won him a nationwide reputation.
Walker, William - LtCol, Confederate Army he was the first
Master of Eastern Star Lodge in Louisiana and served as a District Deputy Grand
Master. Killed in 1864.
Wanamaker, John - A statue of this Mason stands outside of Philadelphia's
City Hall. His expertise in business led to his appointment as Postmaster General
and he established rural free delivery and parcel post. The University of Pennsylvania
conferred upon him a Doctor of Laws degree shortly after the end of World War One.
Their citation referred to Brother Wanamaker as: "Philanthropist, statesman, eminent
in the councils of the nation, Christian Leader, and
constructive genius who on the basis of the Golden Rule, by thought and practice has
revolutionized the business methods of merchants of the world."
Ward, Rev. John - First of the Episcopalian faith to enter
Missouri and organize his people.
Warner, Glen Scobey "Pop" - Famous football coach, credited with originating
the single and double wingback formations.
Warner, Jack - One of the brothers who created the American
motion-picture production company known as Warner Brothers. They were the first to use
sequences of sound in a silent feature film.
Warren, Earl - Succeeding another Mason (Frederick
Vinson), Warren served as Chief Justice of the US Supreme Court from 1953 to
1974 and led in sweeping changes in civil rights and criminal law.
Warren, Joseph, M.D. - Noted physician and American Revolutionary War
General. Let the troops in the 'Battle of Bunker Hill' where he was killed. At
the time of his death, he was serving as Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of
Masons in Massachusetts.
Washington, Booker T - Educator
and author
Washington, George - As
General of the Armies of the colonies, he led the revolution which created
American independence. As the first President of the United States, his
leadership was crucial to establishing the 'tone' for the United States. His
love of Freemasonry is documented by his close reliance upon other Masons in the
execution of his duties. Following his death, his widow sent locks of his hair
(a common practice of the time) to Masons throughout the country and such
revered treasures were the object of great appreciation. To this day, a lock of
his hair sent to the Grand Lodge of Massachusetts is carried in a golden urn preceding
the entry of the Grand Master at the Annual Meeting of the Grand Lodge.
Watson, Thomas J. - American inventor and businessman who was
President and Chairman of International Business Machines (IBM) from
Wayne, John - "The
Duke" - One of the most popular actors of recent years. His 'manly' roles
helped define a generation.
Webb, James E. - NASA Administrator.
Webb, Matthew - First man to swim the English Channel
Webb, Wellington - Mayor of Denver, Colorado.
Wentworth, Benning - Colonial Governor of New Hampshire; Portsmouth NH
merchant; gave 500 acres of land to Dartmouth College; Bennington, Vermont is
named in his honor.
Wentworth, William Carles - Well known for his exploration expeditions
into the interior of New South Wales, he was also the editor of the first
newspaper in Australia.
Wesberry, James P. - Pastor of the Morningside Baptist Church of
Atlanta, Georgia for 31 years; Recording Secretary of the Georgia Baptist Convention for
20 years. Died in 1992.
Wescott, Joseph H. - Former Deputy Commissioner, Pennsylvania
State Police (retired 2000).
White, William - President of Baylor University 1948-1961;
Executive Secretary and later President of the Baptist General Convention of Texas.
Whiteman, Paul - American conductor who introduced
symphonic jazz to a general audience and became known affectionately as the
"King of Jazz". He commissioned Gershwin's 'Rhapsody in Blue'.
Wilder, Charles P. ("Pa")
- Father
of Laura Ingalls who immortalized him and her family in her books. Like "Pa",
"Ma Ingalls" and sister Carrie were members of the Eastern Star as was daughter
Wilder, Laura Ingalls - *Please don't write to me saying "She's
not a Mason!" I know. She was the author of 'Little House on the
Prairie' books and active in Eastern Star, an organization which requires a
Masonic relative! (She's part of the 'US Masonic Family'!)
Wilder, Lawrence Douglass - First elected Black Governor
in the US from the State of Virginia.
Williams, Egbert "Bert" - Actor and comedian. Half of the
comedy duo Williams & Walker. Formed the Lafayette Players in New York City
as a theatre company that presented works by, for and about black people through
a special arrangement with Brother Florenz Zigfeld.
Williams, Jonathan - Colonel, United States Army; he was the first
Superintendent of the United States Military Academy, West Point, New York.
- Member of the Texas Republic Senate during the 1830s and twice candidate for
President of the Republic of Texas.
Wood, Grant - American painter famous stylized realism and
"American Gothic"
Woodbury, Levi - Governor of New Hampshire, US Senator,
Secretary of the Navy, Secretary of the Treasury and Supreme Court Justice.
Woodbury County Iowa is named for him.
Woods, William B. - American jurist who served as an
Associate Justice of the Supreme Court from 1880-1887.
Woodward, Carl R. -
President of Rhode Island State College when it became the University of Rhode
Island in 1951.
Wootton, Percy, M.D. - President, American Medical Association
Wyler, William - American
motion-picture director, known for his many meticulously crafted, award-winning
films. In 1936 he was signed by American producer Samuel
Goldwyn, beginning a ten-year collaboration that created pictures including Dead End (1937), Jezebel
(1938), Wuthering Heights (1939), The Little Foxes (1941), Mrs.
Miniver (1942), and The Best Years of Our Lives (1946). The latter
two films won Wyler his first two Academy Awards for best director, also earning
the awards for best picture.
Wynn, Ed - Movie actor and comedian, he introduced "Carmel Comedy Caravan".
Brigham - Led the pioneers of the Church of Jesus
Christ of Latter Day Saints (the Mormons) to Utah.
Young, Cy - American baseball player, he pitched for 22 seasons and was, perhaps, the
greatest pitcher in the history of the sport. He pitched the first 'perfect
game' in modern baseball.
Young, Andrew - Former United Nation's Ambassador and Mayor of
Atlanta, Georgia
Darryl F. - Co-founder of 20th Century Productions in 1933,
his movie productions made him a legend. The memorial by his family notes his
Masonic affiliation above all other accomplishments!
Zigfeld, Florenz - His Ziegfeld's Follies began in 1907.
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