Because the "Director" of the 'Cutting Edge Ministries' seems to have taken such an interest in us, we've been inclined to keep abreast of his activities. In September, 2002, 'Director' Bay announced - without any warning it seems - that he was moving to South Carolina. That would allow him to be closer to the webmaster of his website.... Doing websites for a number of organizations ourselves, we always thought that one of the great advantages to this medium was that it wasn't necessary for the Webmaster and the site owner to live in the same city, state, or even hemisphere (although the online chat when you're on the East coast of the US and someone is in Australia can be a tad difficult on at least one person's sleep schedule!). And then we got to thinking: wasn't "Cutting Edge Ministries" supposedly attached to some church? Why we thought that it was, didn't you? After all, the 'Director' had written on his website (as late as 28 September 2002):
So, WAIT! Isn't 'Cutting Edge Ministries' related to that Baptist Church? If not, who was it that 'named him' and what the heck is this outfit anyway? Well, we suspect that it was David Bay who decided on his own title and created his own web 'organization' totally separate and apart from that Baptist Church, don't you think? After all, it would be downright difficult to move that Massachusetts fundamental Baptist Church all the way to South Carolina - and would they really want to do that just to be closer to the webmaster....??? But, as we've noted before, the 'Director' does seem to have a bit of a problem in the credibility department. No mention of how his wife is going to love South Carolina and no mention of the many friends left behind in Attleboro. We suspect we'll learn more as the time goes on - and we'll post it here. And in June of 2006, we received a very interesting message from an individual who makes a number of claims about Mr. Bay. We're looking to verify the story in more detail but if the claims are true, Mr. Bay's 'holiness' will be seen in quite a different light. West Lynn? Hmmmm.... Stay tuned! And whatever happened to "Pastor Ron Riffe"? Gone without a trace, it seems. Now what's THAT all about anyway? Maybe if we'd paid for that newsletter subscription we would have known but it does seem curious that there's not a single mention about his absence and little trace that he ever even existed. We can't help but wonder.... Meanwhile, you can keep going to 'The Cutting Edge' wherever it may be - and keep buying their lies and videotapes! Good luck.... |
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