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Here is a message from Freemasonry's top leader: Did you notice that there is NO MESSAGE above? It's not that there's a broken graphic or that your browser isn't working properly. It is because:
No One Person
(or Organization)
Freemasonry is a wide and diverse organization throughout the world. It's growth and development in each location has been responsive to the nation in which it exists as well as the makeup of its membership. In addition, there have been many organizations which have appeared over the years 'imitating' Masonry and calling themselves 'Masons'. Among the great majority of Masonic entities which recognize each other (using "Ancient Landmarks" and other commonalties derived from the beginning of the organization 300 years ago), however, there is no one leader. Each Grand Lodge (the highest governing body for each particular group of Masons) is independent and decides matters as it feels is appropriate. A Grand Master speaks for his Grand Jurisdiction but ONLY when he is serving as Grand Master and ONLY for his specific Jurisdiction. Thus the statements of the Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Masons in California is no more binding upon or reflective of the positions of the United Grand Lodge of Germany than are the rules of the Japanese-American Friendship Association upon the City Council of Kilmarnock, Scotland! Because of the bonds between regular and recognized Masons and Masonic bodies, the Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of the Philippines will certainly consider a position on a particular matter taken by the Grand Lodge of Massachusetts but he is not bound in any way to proceed similarly. In addition, writings or statements by the head of an "appendant" or "related" or "corollary" body (Scottish Rite, York Rite, Shrine or any of several dozen others!) are no more binding on Freemasonry than in the examples cited above. Using the comments by one person speaking for himself or his organization to claim that they 'represent the thinking of Masonry' is simply a falsehood. Using the quotes of someone who wrote a book one hundred years ago is just as inappropriate, particularly when one considers that the organization which he headed was not world-wide nor was it even recognized by as many as half the Masons in the world at that time. (See our section on Albert Pike who's usually the example and is often claimed to somehow rule Freemasonry - even now, over a hundred years since his death!) No one person speaks for Freemasonry! Not now - Not EVER! But who runs it then?Considering the information above, one could reasonably ask: "How, then, does a person determine the 'true nature' of Freemasonry?" The question is a difficult one to answer since Freemasonry is not identical throughout the earth. Even two lodges in the same city may be seen as being 'different' from one another in their approach to things as mundane as how the minutes of meetings should be kept. While they share the same ritual and the same Grand Lodge regulations, their activities and interests might be widely diverse. Particularly for those seeking to 'label' Freemasonry by finding one single book (or a select few of them), this presents an enormous challenge. It is particularly distressing for the anti-Mason arguing on religious grounds when they themselves are so used to speaking on behalf of far more people than they should. They regularly write such things as "All Christians believe ...," "Christians would agree...," "You can't be a Christian and believe...." assuming a mantle that is both false and preposterous in its assumptions. Freemasonry is very much a personal experience and although it may be enriched by books or presentations of 'top Masonic leaders', their interpretations are no more binding on the thought processes of the individual Mason than speeches made by his town leader. For those who are not Freemasons, this concept is extraordinarily difficult to understand much less accept; for those who have been Masons, however, it's as basic as life itself! Copyright Theft and Deliberate MisrepresentationIn late March, 2010, a newsletter titled "Avant-Garde" was distributed with some of the above essay bearing my by-line. It took what I had written WITHOUT authorization in an attempt to legitimize the so-called Grand Orient of the United States, a bogus, pseudo Freemasonry discussed here, implying they are equivalent and/or equal to other Masonic organizations since, as my essay states, 'No one person has the right to speak for Freemasonry'. Let's be VERY clear, however: Freemasonry COLLECTIVELY can and does speak through the decisions made by Grand Lodges - and as to bogus organizations such as GOOFUS, it has been VERY clear in its condemnations of fraud such as they kind they seek to perpetrate. Using my essay to support their cause is bastardization at the very least. Not only did copyright theft occur but the cur who created the newsletter also violated the terms of service of Constant Contact, an internet mailing service which requires that those receiving mailings through them have requested such information. Bragging that they have some 300 subscribers and from the addresses at which we received these mailings, it is quite clear that they did NOT have any such permission. Using this essay to bolster their cause is puerile and wrong but deceitful thieves such as that have no morals so arguing is useless. Know, however, that if you came here to read my support of that organization or its newsletter, you have been deceived! My personal websiteAnd just to clarify: this website is a PERSONAL endeavor. Lest there be any misunderstanding, the concept was that of Ed King, solely and independently. There were no discussions with Grand Lodges nor, in fact, was there even a discussion with any other Mason! It was conceived and released without any suggestions from any Masonic source whatsoever. Interestingly also, in the more-than-a-dozen years that this site has been online, not once has a Grand Lodge or Grand Lodge officer from ANY jurisdiction ever even hinted that I should make a single change - unless it was something along the lines of "Ed, your page about X is great but I didn't see anything about Y. Are you going to do something on that topic?" I don't consider that anything but being helpful! And to reiterate: no one person speaks for Freemasonry! Ergo, whether you like this site or you hate it, THIS IS NOT AN "OFFICIAL" MASONIC SITE nor does it pretend to be....
This site and its contents are © (copyright) 1998-2014 by Edward L. King (Ed King). All rights reserved. All comments and opinions are mine personally. Got some thoughts or reactions?
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