"There is only one step from
the sublime to the ridiculous."
Napoleon Bonaparte
(17691821), French general, emperor. Remark, Dec. 1812, to Polish ambassador
Abbé de Pradt, on Napoleons return to Paris by sledge after the failure of
his Russian campaign.
Internet postings from the "St. John The Sublime
Reformer" made to alt.freemasonry (and cross-posted to numerous other
unrelated newsgroups as well) were notable for the repetitive (but often
subtly changed) claims
which, despite continued rebuttal with fact, reappear regularly. They are found primarily in two formats: those which attempt to revise the history of
what was posted on alt.freemasonry and those involving actual events.
Similar obfuscation can now be found on his Freemasonry Watch website. In
one usenet message posted at the end of July, 1999, the self-created
"Saint" summarized a great many of his most ludicrous claims and
charges (things which he had previously characterized as "beliefs and
opinions"). We'll let you read for yourself - and then below
we'll address the many falsehoods which are presented.
In a post titled "FreeMasonry/KKK - the
Last Spike", the self-created "Saint" wrote on July 26,
Dear Readers, Over the past number of months a group of
usenet users has been attempting to "prove" to the freemasons at
alt.freemasonry that the most revered figure in American Freemasonry was a
key figure in the founding of the Ku Klux Klan. Alas, regardless of the
books or references we quoted from indicating that the founder of the
Supreme Council 33rd Degree, Mother Council of the World the Illustrious
Albert Pike 33rd degree, Sovereign Grand Commander of the Supreme Council
33rd Degree Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite, Mother Council of the
World had been a key figure in the Klan, we were greated <sic> of the man who
wrote twenty treatises on Freemasonry (Masonicinfo
Note: there were FAR more than that, actually.) and is known as the "Plato of
Freemasonry" who in addition to having a prominent statue in D.C.
also has the main library of the Temple of the Supreme Council (at 1733
16th Ave N.W, 13 blocks north of the White House) dedicated to him, also
has a prominent memorial room in the Temple dedicated to him, is really
something to behold. However you will be glad to know that I have finally
succeeded in finding confirmation of the Plato of Freemasonry's KKK ties
in a neutral, respected, and scholarly work. The work in question has
nothing what so ever to do with Freemasonry or religion. In fact there is
no mention of Mr. Pike being a Mason only pointing out he was a
confederate general along with the first Imperial Wizard of the Klan, Mr.
Forest. Albert Pike is quite a controversial figure and there have been
obvious attempts by organized freemasonry to sanitize his odious past -
however the truth has finally shone through for a change. The importance
of the Scottish Rite in American Freemasonry can not be understated. Today
every state's Grand Lodge is headed by a 32 or 33 degree Scottish Rite
Mason. Blue lodge masons (degree 1 - 3) will deny vigorously the charge of
being "controlled" in anyway by the Supreme Council, but facts
are facts. If Albert Pikes credibility can be publically <sic>
destroyed, then
so goeth <sic> the Scottish Rite with him. If the wealthy and influential
Scottish Rite is brought to it's knees, so would the entire structure of
the secret society known as Ancient Free and Accepted Masons. The
quotation: "Prominent Southern gentlemen were later cited as state
leaders of the Invisible Empire. Alabama claimed General John T. Morgan as
Grand Dragon. Arkansas was headed by General Albert Pike, explorer and
poet. North Carolina was led by former governor Zebulon Vance, and Georgia
by General John B. Gordon, later a U.S. Senator. Source: The Fiery Cross:
Wade, Wyn Craig. Oxford University Press 1998 Page 58 Originally
Published: Simon & Schuster 1987 Library of Congress Catalogue Number:
1.Ku Klux Klan (1915-)-History. 2. White Supremacy movements--United
States --History. 3. Racism--United States-- History. 322.4'2'0973-dc21
97-44001 It should be noted that Albert Pike also wrote quite profusely on
the "Aryans" in a book with that subject in it's title. A
further quote about from Mr. Pike was also recently supplied by Mr. B.
Maddox, Freemason on alt.freemasonry (and attacked for doing so),
vigorously by Mr. "Ed King" the unofficial moderator of
alt.freemasonry and publisher of the stalker hate site AntiMasonry points
of view. "I took my obligations from white men, not from negroes.
When I have to accept negroes as brothers or leave masonry, I shall leave
it" Albert Pike 33rd* source: Delmar D. Darrah, History and Evolution
of Freemasonry 1954, page 329. The Charles T Power Co. There has <sic>
protests in recent years by African Amercian <sic>
Groups to have Mr. Pikes
statue removed from Washington D.C.. We shall hope that they will also
work towards getting his dedication of the main library at the Temple of
the Supreme Council 33rd degree, H.Q. for International Freemasonry
removed, along with his "memorial room", and the issue of a
public censure and discontinuance of propagating his writings to
international freemasonry. Hopefully this new concrete mainstream
reference I have provided today will be of some additional benefit to
those seeking to bring International Freemasonry to it's knees.
Fraternally Yours, St. John the Sublime Reformer
A Certain Point Within A Circle
Masonic Historian Masoninfo.com - AntiMasonry points of view
(Masonicinfo Note: Observe the deceit in
the above non-existent web address of 'masoninfo' instead of 'masonicinfo'.
It's yet another ludicrous tactic of the
self-created "Saint". We have snipped several lines of web
addresses irrelevant to this particular message but which are a part of
his usual postings and can be readily found.)
St. John the Sublime Reformer's logic is a peculiar form of morality,
veiled in allegory, and illustrated by symbols. It is based on his three
grand principles - brotherly love, relief, and truth. So mote it be.

"Plato of Freemasonry" -
Regularly when referring to the leader of the Scottish Rite of the Southern (U.S.)
Jurisdiction Albert Pike, the "Saint"
will indicate that he is "...known as the "Plato of Freemasonry", a most impressive
term - but one which is certainly misused in such acclamations. In fact, this term was
used by one author ONCE - and it was in the dedication of a book he'd
written. It is not a term used by
Masonry in general nor has it ever been used by any of Pike's many biographers. (Incidentally, the author
of the book in question was Manley Hall!)

Founder of the Klan - Albert Pike is a
favorite target of anti-Masons and the self-created "Saint" seems to
have a particular fixation with this man who has now been dead for a hundred
years! One of his assertions has been made in the past by anti-Masons - as
usual, without any proof whatsoever. Before going too far with this particular attempt to defame
Masons and Masonry, it's important to remember that the Ku Klux Klan as an
organization was really two totally different groups: the original KKK existed for just a few years immediately after the
US Civil War. It was
disbanded and completely out of existence between 1869 and 1871. The modern,
racist organization made a reappearance after the turn of the century - and
after Albert Pike's death! (It's also quite relevant to note that the
original/first KKK was equally aggressive towards whites and blacks: there were
many reports of actions taken against persons regardless of their color because
they had committed seeming crimes. It was vigilante justice in an area of the
country decimated by war.) The incarnation of the KKK today is certainly
not what it was during the 4-8 years of its original existence.
The first time the self-created "Saint" mentioned the
'Pike-connection' was in mid-February, 1999 when he wrote
"I also understand he was one of the founders if not the founder of the
Klu <sic>
Klux Klan which only ceased being an offical <sic>
masonic concordant body in the nineteen forties."
Pike's involvement - or lack thereof - has been subject to speculation before
but not by credible researchers into his life. A specious claim is made
that the founder of the Klan - Nathan Bedford Forest - was a Confederate General
and Freemason. Because of this, it is 'natural' for some to assume that
Pike would have been involved in the Klan. There are two mitigating factors,
 | Pike's involvement as a General in the Confederate Army was quite
different from most others. He was placed in charge of an Indian regiment
and was far removed from the major battles of the War. Due to an incident
which credible accounts now say was contrived, Pike was removed from his
command and roundly condemned by his compatriots. It was only after the War
that his name was cleared. At the time of the Klan's founding, however, he
was still considered an outcast.
 | Nathan Bedford Forest took the Entered Apprentice (first of three) degree
in Freemasonry. He was in a lodge room ONCE and never returned. Considering
Pike's close attachment to Masonry, it is hard to believe he would
countenance a person who took only one degree and never progressed to become
a 'full' Mason as having a claim on his Masonic 'ties', particularly in
light of his writings which suggest (along with Mackey and others) that a
man is not fully a Mason until he has received the degree of Master Mason. |
Thus the claim that Pike was a founder - in any way - of the KKK is specious
at best. Such a claim was made twice when the Klan was being 'reincarnated' in
the late 1910 - early 1920 period. However, this was decades after Pike's death
with him unable to refute. NONE of his biographers - both Masons and non
- have made any such assertion.
In summary, the claim is one which the this particular individual uses to
incite anger, knowing full well that mention of the Klan evokes images of the current
Klan and their agenda of racial hatred. As further indication of this agenda,
refer to his frequently cited lie that the Grand Lodge of New York recognized
the Klan as an appendant body until the mid-1940s as reported here.

Scottish Rite Supremacy - One of the most
bizarre charges which this person, convinced he can single-handedly destroy
Freemasonry, makes is that the Scottish Rite Southern United States Jurisdiction
(SJ) "rules" Freemasonry. This, it would appear, is so
that his false claims smearing Albert Pike will be more readily accepted.
Here are the claims - and the facts:
CLAIM: The SJ is the "Mother Jurisdiction" and as such,
controls all Masons and Masonry.
FACT: Masons have always been conscious of 'age'. In nearly all
jurisdictions, Craft Lodges are numbered to indicate their seniority, #1 being
the oldest (except in Scotland where there is actually a Lodge styled as #0
and in Massachusetts where there are no numbers but the seniority of lodges is
known and established amongst each other and by Grand Lodge). This system of
numbering/seniority, for example, means that when a number of Craft (Blue)
Lodges are visiting a ceremony of the United Grand Lodge of England, the Grand
Master of Massachusetts will be received prior to any other GM from the United
States, Massachusetts being the oldest among US Grand Lodges. Other GMs will
be received in order of seniority.
When Scottish Rite bodies from around the world agreed in the mid-1800s to
recognize each other in a fraternal bond, it was agreed that seniority would
be accorded to the US's Southern Masonic Jurisdiction - and thus, the SJ took
the mantle of "Mother" Supreme Council. However each Council is
entirely independent of each other, electing their own officers, holding their
finances entirely independent of each other, having their own governing
bodies, and not consulting any other Supreme Council when taking action. Thus
the supposed primacy created by the title of "Mother" has no
practical application other than who's hand gets shaken first when introducing
people at Masonic events!
CLAIM: Because all Grand Masters are members of the Scottish Rite
(and because the SJ is the "Mother" Supreme Council of the
world), the SJ controls Freemasonry.
FACT: To anyone familiar with Freemasonry, this claim is so
ludicrous as to be laughable. To those who don't know about the organization,
however, it might seem legitimate.
The simple fact is that while MOST Grand Masters are SR members (Scottish
Rite is a Masonically-related body and it's natural that a Grand Master would
have joined in most cases), not all are - and there are some parts of the
world where there is no Scottish Rite.
Further, though, there are two separate Scottish Rite
bodies in the United States, a separate one in Canada, a separate one in
Australia, etc. The Southern US Scottish Rite has no control whatsoever over
these other groups, regardless of their claim to be the 'Mother Jurisdiction
of the World'. In years past, in fact, relations between the two US SR
bodies bordered on acrimonious. To think that the Sovereign Grand Commander
in Washington could in any way control the actions
of the person with an identical title and office in Lexington, Massachusetts
simply has no basis in fact.
The self-created "Saint" has
also been unable to explain how
the edicts of the Sovereign Grand Commander (the presiding officer of the
Scottish Rite) communicates his wants and wishes to the many Grand Masters -
who seem to think they exercise total control over their jurisdictions during
their term of office. In some cases, these Grand Masters
would be quite quick to note who's 'really' in charge should such an issue
arise. Nor can Freemasonry Watch explain away the fact that there has been
in recent times an incident where the Grand Master of Washington, DC
threatened to suspend the Masonic membership of the Sovereign Grand
Commander of the Southern Jurisdiction of the Scottish Rite. If the SGC of
the Mother Jurisdiction had the 'ultimate authority' as Freemasonry Watch
tries to have you believe, we wonder why he would accede to the demands from
a (supposedly) subordinate like a Grand Master. Again, the charges are
Neither can he explain - if the SR controls Masonry in this manner - simple
things like the fact that NO ONE has ever mentioned this
dominance of power previously. Why even a
couple of Grand Masters who became disenchanted with Masonry after their
term in office or various Grand Lodge office staff, who are
not all Masons but would surely know of such 'dominance', have never
mentioned such a thing.
It comes down to - as with many
of the spurious claims made by this provocateur - his "beliefs and
opinions": nothing more and nothing less!
And his "beliefs and opinions" are in direct opposition to FACT!

Fiery Cross - The first charge that Albert
Pike was involved with the KKK was made in February. Despite repeated requests
that he prove his charge, it was not until the end of July that the self-created
"Saint" produced his supposed 'proof' for his charge. Clearly, it took
him a considerable amount of digging to support the smear he had attempted to
make over the prior five months. In response, I wrote the following about his
supposed 'unimpeachable source':
Wyn Craig Wade's book, "The Fiery Cross" has received a couple of
favorable reviews but there are also several flaws as have been noted by
others. Wade is a clinical psychologist and holds NO degree in history
whatsoever! (Remember the "Saint" debasing Roger Firestone's History
Professor because he wasn't a professor of *ITALIAN* history?
<chuckle>) Yet our little "Saint" apparently feels that a
clinical psychologist is qualified as a historian. (Incidentally too, the only
other book written by Wade was on the Titanic; it received virtually no
attention. There have been no books since....
Now again, on yet another of these wild goose chases that I'm won't to do
from time to time, I meandered by ye ol' library today. There collecting dust
was the hardbound version of this book which makes ONE MENTION (that's right,
folks, ONE MENTION) of Pike.
Here it is (on page 58, just like the paperback version that our little
"Saint" stood in some book store reading....
"After the Klan had spread outward from Tennessee, there wasn't the
slightest chance of central control over it - a problem that would
characterize the Klan throughout its long career. Prominent Southern gentlemen
were LATER CITED {emphasis added by EKing} as state leaders of the Invisible
Empire. Alabama claimed General John T. Morgan as Grand Dragon. Arkansas was
headed by General Albert Pike, explorer and poet. North Carolina was led by
former governor Zebulon Vance, and Georgia by General John B. Gordon, later a
U. S. Senator."
Please note that it doesn't say WHO they were LATER CITED by - and Pike is
not mentioned in the Congressional hearings later held on the subject.
(Another Masonic conspiracy, some will claim.... Yeah, sure!)
Now the latter quoted sentence above is what the self-created
"Saint" wrote was in the book. Typical of anti-Masons, however, they
choose to ignore the parts which don't fit into their silly theories.
Here's the VERY NEXT SENTENCE (which is even in the SAME PARAGRAPH):
"But the leadership of these men, originally appointed by Memphis
officials, was usually IN NAME ONLY {emphasis added by EKing} and nowhere
lasted longer than 1869; such experienced veterans quickly realized the
impossibility of governing in secret such widespread bands of young
hellions and WANTED NO RESPONSIBILITY FOR IT." {Emphasis added by EKing}
Now just so you know too, Wade doesn't put his footnotes for his claims in
an interlinear manner. All references are simply listed in the back of the
book with a page number and a list of books. It's therefore impossible to tell
what information on a page is supported by citation and what isn't. I've never
seen a reference work (or any other book, actually) with references done in
this manner. It sure isn't APA, ALA, or any other accepted academic format,
for sure.
Back on page 459 -- Oh, and it should be noted that in this >500 page
work, that reference above is the ONLY mention of Pike! -- the references to
KLAN LEADERS are cited as Stanley Horn, "The Invisible Empire" and
Susan Davis "Authentic History: Ku Klux Klan, 1865-1877."
The Davis book wasn't held; I've requested it be obtained thru interlibrary
loan. However, sitting right here beside me is that Stanley Horn book. (Don't
you wish that the "Sublime" would do some better research? Sheesh:
these hunts are getting tiring! <g>) Would it surprise you to know that
there's not ONE SINGLE CITATION in that book?
Of course not. A lie, oft repeated, can become "truth".
And so, gentle reader, once again the reason for refuting lies becomes more
and more clear. It we allow the lie to stand, it will be repeated time and
time again, to more and more detriment.
Since this exchange, there have been many other messages on this particular
topic. The "Saint" found (weeks after we had) that Wade had
researched much of his material at the University of Michigan. Referring to
both the online material available (which includes a book from the notoriously
anti-Masonic publishing house of Powner & Co.) as well as personal visits
by a willing assistant of ours, it has been conclusively proven that the
references which supposedly tied Pike to the original Klan had
no citations whatsoever. An anti-Masonic book without source documentation is
used to "prove" a fact about a famous Mason: how compelling!
It should also be noted that the even Wade's book serves to discredit the
claims made by the "Saint". Craig says specifically that the
appointments were "...in name only" and not that it was, in
fact, true or that the individuals so named claimed it themselves. Further, it
also notes the quick disassociation of the leaders themselves due to acts of
the organization.
It's really a sad commentary that one would be so desperate that they would
cling to such straws - but such is the "proof" of the evil of
Freemasonry as offered by the self-created "Saint".

"I didn't change a word...." -
One of the deceits used by this person who wears the mantle of Sainthood is that
he frequently will take a post from someone made months earlier and repost it as
if the person was writing it afresh - and in addition, will cross-post it to
eight other newsgroups as well. When charged with forgery, the self-created
"Saint" will respond that it is NOT a forgery.... that he didn't
change one single word, one single letter, etc. etc. The ludicrousness of such a
reply should be apparent to all. Lies, deceit, shading of fact, and more are all
among the 'tools' which this person uses to build his case against Freemasonry:
built on sand, however, they rapidly fall when the truth becomes clear.

| |
In addition,
don't miss these: |
