Masonic Menace

Ed's wrong - they're right.... and pigs fly!

It has happened before and it will happen in the future. When facts are written on this website, a person whose facade has been demolished by the truth tries various techniques of intimidation and harassment. Whether it's posting our (presumed) home address to the internet encouraging others to stupid acts or whether it's writing/calling a jurisdiction's Grand Officers to complain, these small minds think that somehow their anti-Masonic activities will be praised and that the facts written here will be eradicated. They want me 'punished' in some way for having brought out the FACTS they would rather no one see.

I suspected it would be just a matter of time before the leader of the self-styled Regular Grand Lodge of England did the same thing. Predictably, that happened. Moreover, I was made a specific topic right there on the home page of the so-called "Regular Grand Lodge of England" but, after several weeks, it was removed without comment.

Think about this for a moment, folks: would a regular, legitimate Masonic Grand Lodge feel compelled to castigate an individual right there on the "Grand Lodge" website's home page just so you'd be sure to know just how horrible they think he is? And further, would ANY Masonic Grand Lodge with even the most elemental understanding of Masonic principles denigrate another Masonic body with such petulant and puerile claims as those used by Mr. Gabirro and his buddies?

Does it make even a modicum of sense that a guy who starts an organization in 2005 would have a legitimate argument to say that a group founded in 1820 (yes, 1820!) is not 'regular'????

Doesn't this tell you more about THEM than about me?

(Oh, and if you want to read more about 'real' legitimacy, you might want to drop by this page.)

And what has he accomplished? Well, the whole affair has quickly became a topic of discussion (read: hilarity!) both on the internet and at meetings of Masons world-wide. Those who participate in the Philalethes Society's members-only e-mail list have had quite a laugh at the expense of this group while some jurisdictional officers in regular/recognized Masonic jurisdictions who've never encountered this website in the past have now found it - and have written to this website to encourage further activity in routing out these 'fake Masonries'.

The Masonic High Council's Pride and Joy

And at the end of Rui's blather asserting that I've supposedly said that any so-called 'Masonic body' that is not either a "mainstream" or Prince Hall lodge is bogus (something I've NOT said/written but which is, in fact, the position taken by regular, recognized jurisdictions throughout the world), Rui complains that I won't answer his e-mails or his phone calls. Let's clear that up right here and now: no one identifying himself as Rui has EVER called me. PERIOD! No messages from him have been left on my answering machine either. So what's the problem? He can't whine that I haven't spoken to him on the phone when I've never known that he's called. It's as simple as that.

Of course, even if he HAD called, I doubt I would have wanted to chat. Why? Well, here's the first e-mail I ever received from Rui. You'll note that at the bottom he has given permission for this to be used and accordingly, I thought you should see it.

Date: Sun, 14 Aug 2005 23:32:02 +0100
From: Rui <>
Subject: Edward L. King

Mister Edward L. King

Dear Mister,

A friend of mine that asked me if I knew a coward that has a shitty web page with with a lot of stupidity on it, supposedly related to Masonry.

And he gave me this name of a Edward L. King, and these few question that I would very much like if you could help me by promptly reply in a fashion only to you known.

1 - Are you an imbecile or just plain stupid?

2 - Who told you that you where a Mason?

3 - Who the hell are you?

4 - What kind of person is placing personal attacks on others using only its own stupidity and deep ignorance?

"I hate replying to ass holls"

"I detest Stupidity"

Rui Gabirro
15 High Street
Dover Kent
CT16 1QS


There is no copiright on this e-mail, and the same can be reproduced by all means known and unknown.


Now folks, if you received this e-mail, would YOU be interested in replying?   (Or even think that the writer had an education beyond that of age 14....)

Ah, but there's more....

Ten days pass and Rui apparently isn't too very pleased at being ignored. Here is the second e-mail we received from him:




We've put this as a graphic so that the various search engines wouldn't pick up the filth but let's ask a question: would YOU want to exchange e-mail or have a phone call discussion with an individual who has sent you such a message? And this is the Secretary General of the self-styled Regular Grand Lodge of England ~ Masonic High Council of the World?

Just Amazing!

As in the case of virtually ALL of the 'fake masonry' outlined in this section of, there's LOTS more detail that doesn't appear here. As time goes on, I'll add more of this 'behind the scenes' stuff so you can see more of the duplicity and bad behavior of these groups that try to pretend they're following the morality of Freemasonry. What's here now is just the 'tip of the iceberg': you'll get to see the full story as shown in the example above.

And nope: these are not phony e-mails sent by someone else. Full headers have been examined in detail. The above is the "real" Rui - and speaks volumes about those who would join this group.

So what's next? Will I find myself on a 'Wanted - Dead or Alive' poster from Cabinda on an RGLE website? Who knows.... What I DO know is that when fake Masonry is exposed, its leaders are VERY, VERY vindictive! So much for their concepts of friendship, morality, and brotherly love!

And yes, he's at it again! Here's Rui "speeking" his mind - such as it is.


So is THIS the person whose organization you want to join? Think about it....


Created 15 August 2006 with a couple of 'tweaks' on October 5, 2006. Just after our last update, Mr. Gabirro removed the website page castigating me and the Grand Lodge of Masons in Maine (claiming that the latter is irregular!). Perhaps he 'got the message' but regardless: you can't behave as he has done and still expect anyone to treat you or your organization seriously. With such a mercurial personality, we'll be waiting for the next outburst. Added some more of his profanity on 1 June 2007.
  -- Oh, and Rui also complains that we do updates too regularly. He does manage to give us lots to write about though.... <chuckle>

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