- I am appalled by the horrible atrocity that was committed in the
government district and at the Utøya island, says the Sovereign Grand
Master of the Norwegian Order of Freemasons, Ivar A. Skar.We
are filled with mourning and compassion for those who have been affected
and their relatives.
It has appeared in the media that the accused has been a member of
the Norwegian Order of Freemasons.
He has now been excluded - the exclusion immediately
The exclusion reflects that the acts he is accused of having
carried out, and the values that appear to have motivated them, are
completely incompatible with what we stand for as an Order.
We build our activity on Christian and humanistic values and want
our members to contribute to the promotion of charity, peace and
goodness among all people.
The police will of course get all the help and information we can
give to contribute to the investigation.

It's not the first time....
Sadly, it's not the first
time a person has been both Freemason and heinous killer. The story of the
Canadian serial rapist and killer Paul Bernardo comes immediately to mind but
out of the millions upon millions of Masons, it is - sadly - inevitable that someone will either
use the organization for their own evil ends or succumb to the mental illnesses
which provoke such dastardly deeds.
That notwithstanding,
some commentators (Richard
Henley Davis is one) are more eager to grab headlines than provide factual
information, began asserting that the killing by a Freemason in Norway was not
unlike the Dunblane, Scotland killing of a group of school children by
supposed Freemason, Thomas Hamilton,
with the story ostensibly heightened by the involvement of a Police Commissioner
who was also claimed to be a Freemason. In fact,
Hamilton was NOT a Freemason. We've had the story outlined
here on our website for
several years. Needless to say, though, adding this particular twist to the
Behring story certainly gives those who dislike Freemasonry a GREAT opportunity
for furthering their twisted goals.
Playing dress-up
a pseudonym for a 1500 page manifesto (news
comment (not whole document) here), Behring signs as follows:
"Sincere and patriotic regards,
Andrew Berwick, London, England - 2011
Justiciar Knight Commander for Knights
Templar Europe and one of several leaders of the National and pan-European
Patriotic Resistance Movement
There is no regular/recognized Masonic body known as the
"Knights Templar Europe". There is no title that we're aware of in Norwegian
Freemasonry as "Justiciar Knight Commander". So did Behring go from Freemasonry
into more bogus and unrecognized activities? It wouldn't be the first time that
a Mason was at the fringe and went on to form
his own group using the trappings of Freemasonry. You can read about
several on this website including the founder of
this group.
is an excerpt:
'I am the Norwegian delegate to the founding meeting in London, England and
ordinated as the 8th Justiciar Knight for the PCCTS, Knights Templar Europe. I
joined the session after visiting one of the initial facilitators, a Serbian
Crusader Commander and war hero, in Monrovia, Liberia. Certain long term tasks
are delegated and I am one of two who are asked to create a compendium based on
the information I have acquired from the other founders during our sessions. Our
primary objective is to develop PCCTS, Knights Templar into becoming the
foremost conservative revolutionary movement in Western Europe the next few
decades. This in relation to developing a new type of European nationalism
referred to as Crusader Nationalism. This new political denomination of
nationalism will become the foremost counterweight to National Socialism and
other cultural conservative political denominations, on the cultural right wing.
Everyone is using code names; mine is Sigurd (the Crusader) while my assigned
mentor is referred to as Richard (the Lionhearted). I believe Im the youngest
one here.'
For the nay-sayers, masonophobes, and
anti-Masons), this is NOT apologetics. It is, in fact, bringing out REALITY. The
scourge of bogus/fake Masonry (using the titles, regalia, and trappings of
Freemasonry for playing 'dress-up') is something we've written about extensively
on this site.
Photos shown in large size at
THIS WEBSITE. It should be noted that the uniform coat above (close-up
another below) looks suspiciously like a US Marine
Corps dress blue tunic with epaulettes removed and emblazoned with a collar
device similar to a Knights Templar emblem. The
military ribbons on the picture above show a US Vietnam service ribbon, a Silver
Star medal, and a variety of other awards to which this poseur was completely
unentitled. This is NOT unlike many of the fake/bogus Masons, ready to be
Grand Master of an organization
they themselves formed and having barely a dozen members!
The Verdict
In August, 2012, CNN
reported the following: Oslo, Norway (CNN) -- Anders Behring Breivik,
the man who killed 77 people in a bomb attack and gun rampage just over a year
ago, was judged to be sane by a Norwegian court Friday, as he was sentenced to
21 years in prison.
Breivik was charged with voluntary homicide and committing acts of terror in the
attacks in Oslo and on Utoya Island on July 22, 2011.
The issue of Breivik's sanity, on which mental health experts have given
conflicting opinions, was central to the court's ruling.
Breivik, who boasts of being an ultranationalist who killed his victims to fight
multiculturalism in Norway, wanted to be ruled sane so that his actions wouldn't
be dismissed as those of a lunatic.
He says he acted out of "necessity" to prevent the "Islamization" of his
But prosecutors had asked that Breivik, 33, be acquitted on the grounds of
insanity, in which case he would have been held in a secure mental health unit.
The unanimous verdict was delivered at Oslo district court by a panel of five
Breivik, dressed in a dark suit and tie, had a slight smile on his face as the
decision was given.
He was sentenced to the maximum possible term of 21 years and was ordered to
serve a minimum of 10 years in prison.
The sentence could be extended, potentially indefinitely, in the future if he is
considered still to pose a threat to society. Norway does not have the death
Reading out the court's ruling, Judge Wenche Elizabeth Arntzen spoke of
Breivik's "manifesto," a document published online in which he set out his
ultranationalist political views.
Breivik claimed to belong to a far-right group called the Knights Templar but
the court found no evidence of its existence, the judge said.
He described his actions as a pre-emptive attack in defense of ethnic Norwegian
people and culture, the court heard.

Fakers everywhere
is not the only organization hit by 'fakery'.
Here, in the Marine Corps Times newspaper, for example, is a May, 2010
report of a person with NO military experience using a similar US Marine Corps
uniform to defraud the US Army into accepting him as a non-commissioned officer.