Erich Ludendorff (1865-1937) was Germany's chief strategist during World
War I. He led the effort to engage in unrestricted submarine in warfare in 1917, a policy
that was largely responsible for the entrance of the United States in the war. He fled to
Sweden after the signing of the Armistice but returned to Germany in 1919. In 1923 he joined future German leader Adolf Hitler in his abortive uprising in Munich. From 1924 to 1928, Ludendorff was a member of the Reichstag as National Socialist. In the late 1920s he became a fanatical follower of a pagan religion which led to his alienation from Hitler and the Nazi Party. General Ludendorff wrote a booklet against Freemasonry of which more
than a hundred thousand copies were sold. Too long to quote here, the reader may get an
idea of its contents from some of his words:
Ludendorff blamed Freemasons for bringing America into the World War I, helped by the Jesuits, B'nai B'rith and the Grand Lodge of New York! This, he stated, was done to destroy Austria Hungary, a Catholic world power. Had it not been for Freemasonry, Germany would have won the war -- Kaiser Wilhelm and Czar Nicholas lost their thrones because they were not Freemasons -- and so on and on and on for eighty two pages of "Annihilation of Freemasonry Through Revelation of its Secrets!" We should comment, cynically, that perhaps he never heard of Albert Pike running the world from Washington.... Hmmmm....
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