We debated long and hard about whether or not to add any information
about Ed Decker (or his son Jason, who's also flirting with the anti-Mason
'business' that his grandfather and his father have built) because anyone who'd looked into his
'story' knew it had more holes than Swiss cheese. Another hater like
Bill Schnoebelen, he rants
equally against Mormons and
Freemasonry although he seems to know precious little about either -
but he certainly wants you think he does.
There's a LOT about Mr. Decker and his questionable activities
on the internet: we'll just point to
this and
this - from which you can draw your own conclusions. You might argue
that these sites don't say anything good about him: neither does he say
anything good about Freemasonry or the Latter-Day Saints. Further, when
looking at the whole picture, it seems to us that Decker's arguments are
pretty much
'poisoned fruit'
The Decker business of hatred seems to be funded by the
generosity of other haters or the incredibly gullible - and it's never EVER enough it would seem. In fact, there's
always some crises that he'll only be able to overcome if he's granted God's
blessing and YOUR donation! There's always something else to pay for, always
some issue/problem, and - guess what?: it's YOURS to fix!
Below, we've clipped pleas from his monthly
newsletters. You'll soon see the
pattern. How, we wonder, can anyone be so easily 'taken'? This is not
like funding the local food pantry where the self-created 'minister' helps
himself to the food. This, to us at least, appears to be outright pandering!

Note: We may have missed an issue - or Ed might have been busy/sick/otherwise
occupied and didn't send one. Regardless, you can see that there's a constant
drumbeat for YOUR money! (PS: We'll keep adding to this as time permits
but you 'get the drift', we're sure! Also, the columns are centered when the
pitch for cash is centered - which is most of the time!)
Oh, and perhaps this is a good time to mention something: do you see any
"Donate Here" buttons on this website? Anywhere? Well, that's because since LONG
before Ed Decker started his newsletters and websites that YOU pay for, I
decided that I'd do something towards a topic *I* believed in. I didn't ask
anyone else to pay for it and I've never taken a penny towards it. It would appear, though,
that saving souls isn't one of those benevolent things a person like Ed Decker
just does: you need to PAY HIM to do it! So don't look for where to contribute
to OUR cause (or household expenses or website upgrade) because you won't find anything for it on
this site! Comical too that this poor, simple (so he claims) man is hung up on
December 17, 2014 |
A Note: about our Computer woes.
We were inches away from switching to our
new website format. So many articles on the old site needed to be
updated and while I still have a few hundred to edit, we had enough to
go with. Then we hit a wall. We are almost back to square one. But keep
an eye on www.saintsalive.com . We will make it. Our heartfelt thanks to
all of you who have supported this major project.
Help Wanted
We need someone who is really skilled at
Joomla, to help me through this mess. If that is you and you are
interested in helping us upgrade to the latest software release, email
me at ed@saintsalive.com
Please. Remember us in your prayers and
We need them both to continue in the work of this important ministry.
Please, if you are able, send in a PayPal gift today. |
December 5, 2014 |
I am grateful for my restored health
after a year of battling illnesses. My sight has improved far beyond my
expectations, thanks to a skilled surgeon and the Lord's touch. I am
able to drive again and without glasses for the first time in many
We are so blessed by you who have been so faithful in your prayers and
support. The gifts that came in at the end of November caught us up
financially and we are encouraged to forge ahead with strong faith in
our calling. We are grateful for you friends who have been the backbone
of our work for almost 40 years now.
Some of those gifts were special ones.
While every gift is special to us, I
especially want to note one gift in particular. It came from long time
supporters of Saints Alive, Diane and Charlie Peterson. When I say 'long
time' I mean well over 35 years of their prayers and support. We thank
them for this gift in memory of Nathan. Please pray for the Petersons.
They wrote: We are sending this donation in honor of the passing of our
son Nathan Peterson who died July 15, 2013 at the age of 25. Please note
this is in memoriam of our beloved son. Thank you. Diane & Charlie
On a Final Note:
We were inches away from switching to our
new website format. So many articles on the old site needed to be
updated and while I still have a few hundred to edit, we had enough to
go with. Then we hit a wall. We are almost back to square one. But keep
an eye on www.saintsalive.com . We will make it. Our heartfelt thanks to
all of you who have supported this major project.
Please. Remember us in your prayers and
We need them both to continue in the work of this important ministry.
Please, if you are able, send in a PayPal gift today. |
November 11, 2014 |
We are inches away from switching to
our new website format. So many articles on the old site needed to be
updated and while I still have a few hundred to edit, we have enough to
go with. Keep an eye on www.saintsalive.com in the next few weeks. Our
heartfelt thanks to all of you who have supported this major project.
Please. Remember us in your prayers and giving.
We need them both to continue in the work of this important ministry. |
23, 2014 |
We have had a very tough summer financially. Basically, ministry
finances are at an all time low. We are thankful for a few faithful
people who stand with us or we could not continue this work. I want you
to know that we count every dollar as a precious gift and to cut costs,
I have not been taking any salary throughout the summer.
<--- Masonicinfo.com comment: Like a LOT of
other people. Poor Eddie Decker! Of course, not everyone expects a
salary for their ranting online as their 'pet project'....
We really need about a dozen "Heroes of the faith" this month,
to clear up some current debt and get us back into the black. Can you
step up and be one of our heroes? We truly need your help. Can you send
in a gift today? |
September 23, 2014 |
Please, if you are able, send in a PayPal gift today.
Just sign in to your account and send to
For those of you who do not use Paypal
It is so easy to help us through your giving at our website at
or through the mail
or by secure phone
[ 800-861-9888]
Every gift is precious.
Thank you,
Ed and Carol Decker
Visit My Amazon Bookstore
for all Saints Alive Products |
30, 2014 |
Please, if you are able, send in a
PayPal gift today.
For those of you who do not use Paypal
It is so easy to help us through your giving at our website at
or through the mail
or by secure phone
[ 800-861-9888]
Every gift is precious.
Thank you,
Ed and Carol Decker |
21, 2014
2 messages sent this day, both with the
same $$$ pleading |
we solicit your prayers and your financial support.
Like every summer in 38 years, we struggle to squeak through. This
year, it is a bit different in that the need has noticeably increased.
Longer hours each day.
Remember. I pray over every prayer need that comes in to the office. If
you have a prayer need, let me pray for you. So much of this ministry is
tied to prayer. Without it, we would be operating in the flesh, a very
futile plan of action. <Masonicinfo.com
comment: REALLY? So 'real' clergy are useless, eh? Interesting!>
Please, if you are able, send in a PayPal gift today.
etc. etc. Same
as always |
30, 2014 |
Finally, Brethren.
I hesitate to ask for your financial help
because he does it EVERY newsletter>, but we are really struggling
this summer. Please, if you can, send in a gift to keep us up and
running this summer. We receive every gift as sent from God through you
and use it with care and great appreciation.
We use our PayPal account to pay for almost all our monthly
and web expenses. It is usually funded through faithful gifts
from friends like you.
Please, if you are able, send in a PayPal gift today.
For those of you who do not use Paypal
etc. etc. Same
as always |
June 2,
2014 |
I have some good news and some bad
news today.
The good news is that as of last week, when a special donation came in,
we met our funding goals for the Website remake. Our profound thanks to
a everyone who joined with us on the project.
Finally, a note with a some urgency attached.
We use our PayPal account to pay for almost all our monthly
and web expenses. It is usually funded through faithful gifts
from friends like you.
Masonicinfo.com note: read the above carefully:
he uses PayPal to pay his MONTHLY - AND - web expenses. Don't you wish
you could do something like that thanks to the kindness (or gullibility)
of strangers?
But today, at the beginning of summer and a new month, we have less than
$60.00 in the account.
Please, if you are able, send in a PayPal gift today.
Every gift is precious. |
May 5,
2014 |
Our Rebuild Our Website Fund Raising
Project is less than $600 away from meeting our goal. Check out the site
and if you can, would you chip in and help us go over the top this
week... Thanks..
Here is the link
We are so blessed to be able to respond to all the many ministry needs
and emails that come in. One reason we are able is because of the
support we receive from those we have helped over the years and those
who share our heart for the lost.
Would you please consider sending in a gift today?
We have been a faith supported ministry for almost 40 years.
It is so easy to help us through your giving at our website at
or through PayPal [gifts@saintsalive.com]
or through the mail
or by secure phone |
Oh, and during this period too, the
Social-Network Aware Mr. Decker was pushing donations too via his
Twitter account encouraging readers to go to his 'GoFundMe' page. Get 'em
from all angles! |
30, 2005 A special
pleading - this was the ONLY thing in this message! |
Please! Help Us
Help The Lost Dear Friend of
Saints Alive,
Do you appreciate the work Saints Alive does to rescue those lost in the
cults like Mormonism and Freemasonry? Or the help we give daily to so
many families who have lost loved ones to these groups? If so, please
make a special donation and support our ongoing efforts.
The national crisis caused by hurricanes Katrina, Rita and Wilma has
caused a substantial drop in our donations. We are currently in a tough
spot. We too have reached deeply into our own pockets to send aid to the
hurricane victims and to keep this ministry afloat.
We are a Christian nonprofit corporation founded upon the call of God to
witness Jesus to those lost in Mormonism and other cults. Many of us are
"Born Again" ex-Mormons and Masons who have found the Real Jesus Christ
and have received him as our Lord and Savior. Our staff and fellow
workers are people who feel the clear and unmistakable call of God to
minister Jesus Christ, in love, to the cults and have the solid witness
of the indwelling Christ.
Ed Decker, founder of Saints Alive, was a Mormon for 20 years of his
adult life. He was a member of the Melchizedek priesthood, a Temple
Mormon and active in many church positions. Through a crisis in his
life, Ed met the real Jesus and his life was changed forever. An active
author, speaker and evangelist, Ed has brought the light of Biblical
truth to uncountable tens of thousands of those lost in spiritual
darkness. Today, the work of Saints Alive Ministries has expanded
worldwide and includes ministry support and encouragement to other
groups reaching out to those lost in spiritual darkness.
We invite you to be our partner by making a generous,
tax deductible gift to our ministry today. Thank you for your ongoing
commitment in the battle for souls.
God Bless you,
The Saints Alive Team |
October 2005 |
Our donations are seriously off right
now. With the recent national disasters, ministries like ours are low on
the priority list for donations. Carol and I have also given deeply
toward the needs of the hurricane and flood victims and we fully
understand. We feel saturated with the needs out there. We pray for
every person who has been displaced. And for every relief worker and
there are tens of thousands of Christians / churches / individuals
pouring out every kind of help.
<So wait: YOU gave towards these problems and now
want people to give to YOU to make YOU whole? WOW! What a deal!!!>
In the middle of all this, we must all be faithful in our tithes and
offerings at our church as well as our continued support of other works
out in the fields of labor. Things get tight, but our God supplies our
‘needs’ according to His riches. It seems like the money is always there
for kingdom work. He always replaces it and then adds some to it!
Please stand firmly with us with your regular prayers and support, as we
see the harvest fields open up and fruit abound. We need your help and
support like never before. Please, go to the "Give a Donation" link in
the left column of front page of our web site and send in a good
offering today. |
September 8, 2005 |
And please, we truly need some special
financial help from the email Newsletter recipients, like yourself.
If each of you could just send in an online offering this month for
$20.00 we would be beyond meeting all our needs and getting the job
done. That's about the cost of a trip to the movies for two.
It would cover all the costs for our website and its expansion.
Please, take a few minutes, log in at www.saintsalive.com and click on
the "Give a Donation" link in the left hand column of the home page and
it is done. |
August 3, 2005 |
We also ask you to please pray
about supporting the online ministry of Saints Alive. You can make a
donation by clicking on the "Give a Donation" bar on the left side of
the Home Page. We urgently need support from the web. Your gift will
make a great difference in our ability to respond to the needs that come
through this marvelous venue. |
June 6, 2005 |
By the way...We
really could use a little help
Saints Alive is a faith supported ministry. We operate solely on the
gifts [and orders] of our supporters. Things are tight every month, but
in June, our support gets pretty thin. Please, will you pray about
sending in a gift to the work here. If you can help out, just go to our
main web page www.saintsalive.com and click on the click on the “Give a
Donation” tag on the left side of the page and it will take you to a
secure donation section of our website. Thank you for caring and
sharing! |
April 28, 2005 |
We are seeing dynamic results. But, it has been at a cost. With the
instant access of the Internet, we have seen a real drop in our support
that traditionally comes from our mailed newsletter. With the lack of
funds, we are sending out fewer newsletters and the cycle just
continues. We do see support from the Web site, but far less than we
would hope. It does not sustain the Web side of our ministry nor does it
contribute to the over-all costs of the ministry, yet this web presence
is so vital.
As we have labored in this battle over the last 30 years, we have hit
some bumps along the road and have had a few crises of our own. We are
at one right now. Over the last few months, our donations have dropped
severely and we have run out of the financial buffer we had. We urgently
need a strong and immediate financial transfusion.
Please, we ask you to prayerfully consider a special gift today,
something that will make a difference. If your gift helps us be there
for even one more salvation, it is money well spent. You know that we
squeeze $2.00 out of every dollar we are given. Please send in a gift
today and help us stay on the front lines.
It is so simple to do! .Just click on the Give a Donation button on the
left side of our www.saintsalive.com front page and you are ‘there.’ |
March 17, 2005 |
<Masonicinfo.com Note: After a three month hiatus, Ed Decker returns to
rant about all sorts of things. Surprisingly, there's not a single
request for cash in the March, 2005 message. It won't last for long....> |
December 21, 2004 |
Last month, I asked for
help in raising $4,000.00 to use to upgrade our aging computer system
and dead printer... I am delighted to report that over $4,000.00 came in
and we are getting updated to today’s technology. Wow! What a
I have just returned from a 3 weeks study program in Israel, a stretch
for me physically. I have done so well in recovering from my stroke, but
I was far beyond my limits a few times during the trip. I went to study
a number of things, including the tie-in of Mormonism and Freemasonry to
the Kabbalah, the practice and study of ancient Jewish mysticism. I will
be writing about it in the future.
<Masonicinfo.com note: And where did he get the money for a trip to
Israel when he couldn't pay for a computer? Well, that's another of those
mysteries that'll be left unexplained!>
As we end this year of many miracles, I want to ask
you to pray about making a significant commitment to the ministry of
Saints Alive during the next year. Some of you have already done that,
in both your prayer support and your finances. The ministry survives
because of you. Please ask the Lord for an amount to send in today as a
special year end gift. We have such great plans for the next year, a
year we believe will be a break-through year for a river of people being
set free.
Can you pray for us, that we stay centered in the call we have to reach
the lost. Pray also for my health and for Michelle Grimm’s health. In
spite of being out there on the battle field, Michelle is fighting MS.
She is going through a rough time right now. You can send a note of
encouragement to her at the office or at michelle@saintsalive.com.
You can send your special gifts to our Offices by mail, using the
postage paid envelope or you can give an on-line gift through our
website. At www.saintsalive.com just click on the Donation line on the
left side of the Home page. |
October 25, 2004 |
Can You Help?
Our ministry is not about money, but to be zealous in the work, we do
need funds to operate. Please, pray about sending in a gift to keep us
moving forward. We have critical projects we cannot implement because of
the lack of funds.
On that last note. I really need a few heroes of my own right now. Our
computer equipment truly needs updating. We are about 2 generations
behind the rest of the world and our printer is fried.
I need about $4,000.00 in extra funds to get back on top, to upgrade the
system and buy a new printer, set up a wireless hookup, hard wire a
firewall that will keep hackers away.
If you want to plant good seed in a very specific area of need, please
mark it as “special” on the envelope so I don’t mix it in with the
general deposit. You can send your gift to our offices by mail at the
address below or you can give an on-line gift through our website. At
www.saintsalive.com just click on the Donation line on the left side of
the Home page. |
September 30, 2004 |
Can you Help?
Our ministry is not about money, but to be zealous in the work, we do
need funds to operate. Please, pray about sending in a gift to keep us
moving forward. We have critical projects we cannot implement because of
the lack of funds. |
August 3, 2004 |
<Masonicinfo.com note:
Ed begins (again?) his newsletters. He'll be happy to add you!> |
Not much more needs to be said, eh? Must be nice to do something you want to
do, at home, when you want to - and have someone else pick up the freight. Maybe
Ed should write a book about how to do THAT!
Created November 8, 2014.
| |
In addition,
don't miss these: |