Because the Illuminati doesn't exist... And please don't write to tell me that
It has been SO very easy for 'con artists' to convince the gullible that there really is that big, over-arching organization controlling world events. In fact, we've actually come across a couple of online attempts to convince folks that they could simply send cash to an internet address and they too would be members of - TA DA - the Illuminati. Imagine: for only a couple of hundred dollars, you too can be a world-dominator. One of the first encounters we had with these 'Illuminati con games' was early-on in the history of this website when we began to receive threatening e-mails from a pseudonym claiming to be a Grand Master of the Illuminati. It was clever by half. After several message exchanges, it was quite clear that the people involved were pretty immature. Without going into details, suffice it to say that a threat to report the perpetrators to their parents elicited a full confession from three teen-agers in New Jersey, USA. It was a prank they'd done out of sheer boredom in their senior year of high school. One wrote separately promising that he'd learned his lesson and would NEVER be doing such things again. We wished him well in college and hope we'll hear from him again some day in a more positive vein. While these young men were too 'novice' to get anywhere with their scam, the same cannot be said for others. A much more egregious con appeared on our 'radar screen' in 2001 when someone claiming to be (a/the ?) "Maximus Illuminati" sent an e-mail telling us about his website where he was putting the world's secrets. The information was connected to a 'Solomon Tulbure' and offered to exchange website links. We did a bit of 'online sleuthing' and traced (we thought) Mr. Tulbure to a radio station in Tennessee. In fact, on this website, we 'exposed' Mr. Tulbure as a radio announcer in Knoxville. A few weeks later, we heard from that announcer who insisted - pleasantly and convincingly - that we had made a mistake. There was no animosity or frenzy to his rebuttal to this site's claims, and after a couple of genial messages, we were convinced that we'd been wrong. Together, we sorted out what had happened: Mr. Tulbure had stolen the code from not one but SEVERAL websites related to this gentleman and used them to create through theft of intellectual property, his own. As time passed, it became more clear that the Illuminati scam was but one of SEVERAL that Mr. Tulbure - a pseudonym, we thought - was running. It wasn't that he was anti-Masonic: he'd simply used whatever he could from Freemasonry and anything else for that matter to bolster his con game and, ostensibly, get cash from others. As that information became more clear, we chose to not give him any more attention and simply removed references about him from our website. Since then, it has been reported on other websites that the individual involved did, in fact, commit suicide. He was reportedly a 35-year old who was bankrupt and living with his parents - in Knoxville. You can piece together the sad story by the information and links here and here. Masonicinfo Note: If you came here based on something you read on the alt.freemasonry newsgroup, you might want to check out the validity of the multiple pseudonym "retired doctor" 'Marta' (a/k/a Beaverfolk and many others) who seems to have no other life than posting on a newsgroup with which she has no connection whatsoever. In early 2005, 'she' supposedly had to leave her home to get her son emergency medical treatment but her postings were immediately replaced by those who identified 'themselves' as 'house-sitters'. Remarkably, they (posting as husband and wife) seemed to know EXACTLY what had happened for the couple of years 'Marta' had been involved in newsgroup postings. They were - so 'they' claimed - being given background by fax and phone from 'Marta'. Strangely though, when 'Marta' came back, those people who had been so actively posting for a month or more suddenly disappeared and have never posted again. They were gracious enough, it seems, to leave their e-mail address at 'Marta's' house for her to use for several weeks until she resumed one of her earlier (numerous) aliases. And a few months later, they returned to use 'Marta's' computer, writing that she had just died and threatening lawsuits if anyone wrote anything bad about her 'memory'. Talk about kooky things.... So if you see goofy assertions that Mr. Tulbure's suicide might have somehow been related to his appearance/disappearance on this website, we ask you to 'consider the source' before wasting any further time. Marta has yet again announced her departure while the alt.freemasonry 'regulars' await her return under some new pseudonym. If you believe what has been seen there, you'd likely conclude that retired doctors in Canada feigning European accents in writing have nothing better to do than play mind games on a Freemasonry newsgroup. More about 'Marta' here. Created 25 September 2005 and updated on 29 December 2005, April 1, 2006 and August 20, 2006.
This site and its contents are © (copyright) 1998-2014 by Edward L. King (Ed King). All rights reserved. All comments and opinions are mine personally. Got some thoughts or reactions?
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